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Q: Chances of HIV due to nipple sucking?
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What does even the chances mean if the baby is born c section and mom has hiv?

If the baby is born vaginally the chances of mother to child transfusion of HIV is much higher. However this risk can be reduced by taking anti-HIV medications throughout pregnancy, labor and delivery and if viral count is less than 1000 copies/ml. By delivering via c-section slightly before the due date, providing membranes haven't already ruptured/waters broke, you are reducing that risk and giving the baby a fighting chance at not contracting the HIV, therefore evening the odds/chances.

Is it easy to get HIV?

Contrary to what you may think, it is not easy to get HIV. There are a lot of things that factor into a person's susceptibility to the virus. Even though transmission isn't always successful even if you engage in intercourse with someone who is HIV positive, it is still necessary to practice safe sex and talk to your partner about sexual history and diseases.

If only one nipple hurt does that mean your pregnant?

Yes nipple sensitivity and hurting is common during a pregnancy due to the influx of hormones

Why do i have big areolas?

The nipple greatly increases in size after breastfeeding due to the suckling.

Do sucking of breasts by men before any pergnancy help to bring milk in breats this might be the reason that some girls have milk in their breasts and some dnt?

no..sucking of breast before pregnancy do not bring milk in the breast,milk is produce after the child birth due to the secretion of some hormone after the child birth and activation of the mammary of gland. sucking of breast too much before pregnancy brings some white bitter fluid from the nipples,secretion of this fluid may cause pain in the nipple and it is very bitter in taste.

Can a teenage boy get aids due to sperm deficiency?

Sperm deficiency will not cause HIV or the resulting AIDS. You must be exposed the the HIV to be infected.

Why do you have a green spot on your nipple?

You have fungus due to high moisture levels. Go to your doctor and he will prescribe you medicine.

What causes fluffy nipples?

due to their extreme chest hair growth it sometimes spreads to the nipple area.

Who gave Mary J Blidge HIV?

Mary doesn't have HIV. She's very much involved in the cause though due to the loss of a friend in AIDS.

How bad does nipple piercing hurt?

Well that depends on gender, male or female. Male nipple piercing is momentarily intense due to the lack of actual tissue. Female nipple piercing is also intense but my client say that it's a diffrent type of intense (not so much pain)

Can Chickens get and die of AIDS?

AIDS is due to the HIV and the H actually stands for human.

Why Nipple hurt with out having a bra on?

i am not a doctor but may be due to the mass of the nipple itself attracts it downwords and causes tension on its muscles by its free movement but when u wear a bra u carry it and facilitates its confortability.