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The proper adjective for the noun Navajo is Navajo.

Example: The Navajo territory is spread over four US states.

The proper adjective for the noun Inca is Incan.

Example: We studied the Incan artifacts at the museum.

The proper adjective for the noun Hinduism is Hindu.

Example: There is a Hindu temple on Main Street.

The proper adjective for the noun Celt is Celtic.

Example: The tour included a visit to a Celtic ruin.

The proper adjective for the noun Alaska is Alaskan.

Example: Jack has a job on an Alaskan trawler.

There is no adjective form for the proper noun Thanksgiving.

Example: Grandma made a beautiful Thanksgiving dinner.

The noun 'Thanksgiving' is used to describe the noun 'dinner'. A noun used to describe another noun is called an attributive noun.

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Q: Change the following proper nouns into proper adjectives Then use each proper adjective in a sentence 1Navajo 2 Inca 3 Hinduism 4 Celt 5 Alaska 6 Thanksgiving?
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