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the answer is Ironic

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Q: Characterizes by often poignant difference or incongruity between what is expected and what actually is?
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Related questions

What is the difference between irony and ironic?

"Irony" refers to the incongruity between what is expected and what actually occurs. "Ironic" is an adjective used to describe a situation that involves irony.

What is the word for a difference between what expected and what actually happens?


What is an example of incongruity?

Incongruity is the state of being incongruous which means inconsistent, strange, not agreeing with something that is expected, or incompatible. Examples might be someone acting differently than their normal way or a singer doing a style of music they don't usually do.

Which is true about situational irony?

There are many things that are true about situational irony. Situational irony is when an outcome that is different from what was expected, the difference between what was expected and what actually happened.

Difference between functionality testing and load testing?

Functionality testing is what is expected. Load testing is what it actually did.

Irony is built upon the basic element of?

Irony is built upon the basic element of incongruity or contrast between what is said or done and what is actually meant or expected. It involves a discrepancy between appearance and reality, often resulting in unexpected or humorous outcomes.

In each of its three literary forms irony creates?

In each of its three literary forms - verbal, situational, and dramatic - irony creates a contrast between what is expected and what actually occurs. This contrast enhances the overall meaning of a text and can add depth, humor, or complexity to the narrative.

Henry was fascinated with the play he was reading. The situation seemed contradictory at first yet made sense with more thought. Which literary device is the author using allegory understatement irony?

The literary device being used in this situation is irony. Irony involves a discrepancy between what is expected and what actually occurs, creating a sense of contrast or incongruity in the narrative.

What does an auditor do if there is a material difference between an expected and actual balance?

However, if there is a material difference between the expected and actual balance, the auditor will investigate this difference further. At this point the auditor will develop an explanation for the difference.

What is the difference between dramatic irony and situation irony?

Dramatic Irony- Irony that is inherent in speeches or a situation of a drama and is understood by the audience but not grasped by the characters in the play. Situational Irony- An outcome that turns out to be very different from what was expected, the difference between what is expected to happen and what actually does. Verbal Irony- A figure of speech in which what is said is the opposite of what is meant.

Difference between perceived and expected service?

expected service is what we think... perceived is what v have already received

A contrast between what is expected and what actually happens?
