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The slave is considered chattel - property - to be bought and sold in perpetuity like livestock. Once an individual becomes a chattel slave they are considered chattel for life. Not all forms of forced labor doom a person to slavery until the day they die. Many of them are only for a fixed period of time or until a fixed debt has been redeemed.

Children born to chattel slaves are considered the property of the "owner" of the chattel slave just like a calf is the property of the owner of the cow. No other form of forced labor passes that status/lifetime-obligation down to the children.

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Loyce Kuhn

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Q: Chattel slavery is different from other forms of forced labor in that?
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How is Chattel slavery different from other forms of forced slavery?

The term chattel means property. Indentured servitude means I own your labor for a set number of years. Chattel slavery means I own you, and can buy you, sell you, or do anything I want to you.

How is chattel slavery is different from other forms of forced labor?

The term chattel means property. Indentured servitude means I own your labor for a set number of years. Chattel slavery means I own you, and can buy you, sell you, or do anything I want to you.

What Chattel slavery is different from other forms of forced labor in that?

The slave is considered chattel - property - to be bought and sold in perpetuity like livestock. Once an individual becomes a chattel slave they are considered chattel for life. Not all forms of forced labor doom a person to slavery until the day they die. Many of them are only for a fixed period of time or until a fixed debt has been redeemed. Children born to chattel slaves are considered the property of the "owner" of the chattel slave just like a calf is the property of the owner of the cow. No other form of forced labor passes that status/lifetime-obligation down to the children.

How was black chattel slavery different from other forms?

it implies the outright ownership of the slave by a master.

Is chattel slavery the same as slavery?

The slave is considered chattel - property - to be bought and sold in perpetuity like livestock. Once an individual becomes a chattel slave they are considered chattel for life. Not all forms of forced labor doom a person to slavery until the day they die. Many of them are only for a fixed period of time or until a fixed debt has been redeemed. Children born to chattel slaves are considered the property of the "owner" of the chattel slave just like a calf is the property of the owner of the cow. No other form of forced labor passes that status/lifetime-obligation down to the children.

What made enslavement of Africans in the 17th century different from previous forms of slavery?

your moma

What made the enslavement of Africans in the 17th century different from previous forms of slavery?

your moma

What are the three causes of modern slavery in Africa?

Three causes of modern slavery in Africa are poverty, lack of education, and political instability. These factors contribute to vulnerability and exploitation of individuals, leading to various forms of slavery such as forced labor, human trafficking, and child labor.

Who introduced slavery to the africans?

Slavery existed in Africa before Europeans arrived, with various indigenous societies practicing forms of servitude or slavery. The transatlantic slave trade, which involved the mass forced migration of Africans to the Americas, was initiated and perpetuated by European nations beginning in the 15th century.

Did slavery still exist in the 1900s?

Yes. And it still exists today in 2013, in many forms. Labour slavery and sex slavery being the most common forms.

What slavery is in Africa today?

In Africa today, slavery exists in forms such as forced labor, human trafficking, and debt bondage. Vulnerable populations, including women and children, are often targeted by traffickers who exploit them for labor or sexual exploitation. Efforts are being made to combat modern slavery through awareness campaigns, law enforcement, and support for victims.

What are the different forms of slavery?

Making someonework for you.Telling them to do things for you. But that's not something people should do slavery is cruel i feel bad for people who had to do that back in the old days. Life now is the best lol.