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Are you sure you dont mean welsh rarebit? Its sort of like posh cheese on toast.

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Q: Cheese dish Welsh rabbit
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Why was rabbit not used in making Welsh Rabbit?

Rabbit was not available. Welsh Rabbit, today more commonly called Welsh Rarebit, is one of the oldest cheese dishes. Its name came from refrring to the dish as a substitute for a rabbit dish, and it was served by the Welsh housewives when the men returned and had no rabbit from their hunt.

What is the ingredients to welsh rabbit?

The Welsh word for rabbit is cwningenIn case you mean "Welsh rarebit" ("Welsh rabbit") it is a dish made of melted cheese, milk or cream, seasonings, and sometimes ale, served over toast or crackers.

What is in the recipe known as Welsh Rarebit?

Well rarebit is a corruption of rabbit , the dish was originally called Welsh Rabbit but Francis Grose mistakenly derived the term in his slang dictionary in 1785. Why it should be called Welsh is a matter of conjecture - some believe it to be because the Welsh were supposed to be fond of Cheese, others that Welsh poor who could not afford meat used Cheese - rabbit was supposed to be the poor Englishman's meat. Other than having a Cheese base there is no agreed recipe for the dish, beer, flour, mustard, bechemel are all used.

What is the Welsh dish?

dull coginio

Is rabbit an original Italian dish or is it Spanish?

A spanish dish

What cheese is Welsh rarebit made of?

Welsh Rarebit can be made with any hard cheese, though in Wales Cheddar is usually preferred. (Caerffili and Red Leicester are also common).The recipes vary considerably from place to place: beer-based sauces predominate, but there is also a béchamel variety (which is more often found in restaurants).Some people even believe that cheese toasted on bread qualifies as Welsh Rarebit. In Wales cheese on toast is a completely separate dish, which is called Caws Pobi.A Different OpinionYou can make Welsh Rarebit by putting a few pieces of toast in the grill and put some chese on it. (Which ever cheese you prefer will be the best)

What is the name of a Cheese dish 7 letters beginning with r?

A 7 letter cheese dish starting with r is Ravioli

What are the names of food in welsh?

welsh people eat prity much the same as British people but i think the welsh have a special dish which i have yet to find out.

Where is cauliflower cheese traditional food?

Cauliflower cheese is traditionally a British dish. The dish consist of cauliflower, a cheddar cheese sauce, a Bechamel sauce flavored with cheese, English mustard, nutmeg and breadcrumbs.

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Raclette is the most popular cheese dish in the Savoy region of France.

What are some Canadian foods that begin with the letter M?

Macaroni and cheese is a popular dish in Canada.

What cheese dish is popular in the Savoie region of France?

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