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Q: Chemical digestion reduces large complex molecules to simpler compounds by the process of?
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Related questions

What is The breakdown of complex food molecules into simpler food molecules?

chemical digestion or simply digestion

What breakdown of complex food molecules into simpler food molecules?

chemical digestion or simply digestion

What is the breakdown complex of food molecules into simpler ones?

chemical digestion or simply digestion

Are enzymes responsible for chemical digestion?

Yes, enzymes are responsible to break down complex molecules to simpler one for digestion

What is the process of breaking larger molecules into smaller molecules called?

The process of breaking down complex food material and converting it into simple organic form is called digestion.

What is breaking down of food by the action of enzymes?

Digestive juices and enzymes break down the complex food materials into simpler compounds and that is how they facilitate in digestion.

What process breaks down the complex molecules of food into smaller molecules?


What is the complex chemical compounds exhibiting?


Why are organic compounds more complex?

because organic compounds are big size molecules

An ionic compound is not represented by a molecular formula because an ionic compound?

Ionic compounds are conventionally represented by chemical formulas; but after contemporary knowledge ionic compounds have complex, long chain molecules.

How is digestion a chemical change?

Food digestion is a chemical change. Chemical reactions catalyzed by enzymes break down the food ingested into its component particles and these particles cannot be put back together through mechanical means.

What is the process of breaking down complex food molecules into simpler food molecules?

Catabolism is the process in which a complex substance is broken down into its smaller components. For example is you excersice for a sufficient amount of time, your body will begin "burining fat" (i.e., breaking it down into smaller molecules to release the necessary energy required for continued exercise).