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Q: Chlorine readily gains an electron forming what kind of ion?
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Why do sodium and chlorine form an ionic bond so readily?

Because a sodium atom loses its outer electron very readily, and a chlorine atom gains one very readily. Thus they are a perfect match for one another.

When a chlorine atom gains an electron it fills its valence shell forming a negative chloride what?

The chloride ion is an anion (Cl-).

When chlorine gains one electron what kind of ion is it?


Does chlorine gains an electron from sodium?

in Sodium Chloride yes

Did number of the electron for chlorine gained or lost?

It gains 1.

What is the name of a chlorine atom gains one electron?


What happens when chlorine gains an extra electron?

It becomes negative

When chlorine forms an ionic compound it gains one electron what symbol is used to represent the chloride ion formed in this way?

Cl- This is the symbol of a chlorine ion that gains one electron

What happens to electron in ionic bonds?

In ionic bonding, the metal loses the electron forming the cation and the non metal gains that electron forming the anion

In soduim chloride does chlorine gain or loose an electron?

in sodium chloride chlorine gains an electron and the bond formed between then is ionic.

What group in the periodic table gains electrons most readily and why?

Group-17 in the periodic table gains electron most readily. The elements in this group require only one electron to complete its octet.

When chlorine become's an ion what will happen?

When chlorine gains an electron , it forms an anion. It is represented as Cl-