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Q: What is the name of a chlorine atom gains one electron?
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What is the name of an atom that loses an electron?

== == == == The answer is an ionic atom.== ==when it gains an electron, it acquires partial negative charge and it's at.weight increaseswhen it looses electron; it acquires partial positive charge and at.weight decreases

Is chlorine molecular monatomic or lattices?

Usually you would name chlorine as an element, and not an atom. An element has atoms, and there can be a chlorine atom. But according to terminology, you would name it as an element.

What is the name given to an atom that gains electrons?

It is an ION Answer: Yes it is an Ion, but no, it is formally called an Anion. Because it gained an electron it has become negatively charged. If it loses an electron it becomes a cation.

Why does sodium chloride have no charged ions but no overall charge?

When, for example a sodium atom (a metal) meets a chlorine atom (a non-metal) the sodium looses its outer-shell electron to form the sodium iron Na+. Chlorine takes on sodiums electron to become to ion Cl-. It also gains a new name: chloride. Both ions are more stable then the neutral atoms form which they were formed, and together they exist as NaCl, sodium chloride (common salt).

What is the name of the part of the atom that has a negative charge?


What is the name of a cation in an atom?

The name of a cation in an atom is electron. Cation refers to an ion of negative charge. Since electron is also of the same charge, the cation is electron.

What is the name of the particles that circles the nucleus of an atom?

Electrons are the particles that circle the nucleus of an atom.

What is the name of an atom that gains or loses one or more electrons?


What is it called when a atom gains electrons to become a negative ion?

This depends on whether the atom is by itself or whether it's part of a molecule (attached set of atoms). If it is by itself, after the atom gains (or loses) an electron it has an electrical charge. An atom with a charge is called an "ion" and you can say that it was "ionized." If it is in a molecule that has a chemical reaction with another molecule causing the atom in the first molecule to gain an electron, that process is called "reduction," and the atom that gained an electron is said to have been "reduced." If the atom lost an electron in the reaction, that is called "oxidation" and the the atom was "oxidized." (Note that "oxidation" in regular chemistry doesn't necessarily mean that oxygen was involved, even though it sounds that way.)

What is the name of the electron cloud surrounding the core of an atom?

You think probable to electron configuration.

What is the name given to a hydrogen atom that loses an electron?

The name is proton.

What is an atom name that is made of a proton a neutron and an electron?

It is the atom of deuterium. Its nucleus is composed of a proton and one neutron. The atom has one electron that is orbiting around the nucleus.