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ATP, NADH, and CO2

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Q: Chloroplasts can make carbohydrates in the dark if they are provided with enough chemical energy in the form of ATP and?
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Related questions

What is the structure that captures the sun's energy when synthesizing carbohydrates?

It is the Chloroplasts, or plastids, that capture light energy and convert it to chemical energy.

What type of energy is produced by the chloroplasts?

Chloroplasts do not produce energy.They convert light energy into chemical energy.

Do chloroplasts convert sunlight into energy?

it converts sunlight energy into chemical energy

Capable of converting light energy to chemical energy?


What converts sunlight to chemical energy?


Where does light energy change into chemical energy in plant cells?

The Chloroplasts

What is capable of converting light energy to chemical bond energy?


Plant chloroplasts convert the energy of sunlight into what?

Chloroplasts convert sunlight into potential energy. The energy is then converted into the chemical energy in the glucose molecules.

Why is the human body unable to convert the sun's energy to carbohydrates?

The human body is unable to convert the sun's energy to carbohydrates because it has no photosynthetic structures.Plants do have such structures, called chloroplasts, which contain chlorophyll, which is a photosensitive chemical which transforms energy from light into chemical energy to help break water into hydrogen and oxygen, and break carbon dioxide into carbon and oxygen, so they can re-combines into assemblages of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, otherwise known as carbohydrates.

What is the energy role of chloroplasts?

They are energy transformers. They convert light energy to chemical energy

What is a structure that converts solar energy into chemical energy?

The chloroplasts in the cells of photosynthetic autotrophs convert solar energy into chemical energy.

Which organelles use light energy to make carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water?

In order to perform photosynthesis, plants must capture light energy. To do this they use chlorophyll. The plant cells which are responsible for photosynthesis contain organelles called chloroplasts which are rich in chlorophyll.