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The Christian holy books that are not part of the Hebrew Bible are called the New Testament.

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Q: Christian books as opposed to those of the Hebrew bible are called?
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What is the second division of the bible called?

The Second division of the Christian Bible is the New Testament. The Second division of the Hebrew Bible (תנ״ך) is called the Prophets (נביאים).

The Hebrew Bible is equivalent to what?

The Christian "Old Testament" is based on the Hebrew Bible. It is a reworking of the original Hebrew text. Furthermore, the early Christian church changed the order of the books. The Hebrew Bible maintains the original order.

The Hebrew bible is called what?

The Hebrew Bible is called the Tanakh in Hebrew. The word Tanakh is an acronym made from the names of its three sections:Torah (Teachings)Nevi'im (Prophets)K'tuvim (Writings)See also:More about the Hebrew Bible

What was first written in Greek and Hebrew?

The Christian Bible is written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek.

Is the Holy Bible the same as the Hebrew Bible?

No. The Christian Bible contains the Hebrew scriptures in what we call the Old Testament. Christ and his teachings and the works of the Apostles are in the New Testament. Additionally, there are translation differences, additions, and order-changes between the Hebrew Bible or Tanakh and the Christian Old Testament.

Is Luke in the Hebrew Bible or Christian New Testament?

Luke is the third book in the Christian New Testament.

What 3 languages were the books of the bible written?

The original Hebrew Bible that became the Old Testament was written in Hebrew and Aramaic. The Christian New Testament books of the Bible were written in Greek.

What is the name of the Hebrew canon?

There is no such thing as the term "canon" in Hebrew. If you are asking what the Jewish Bible is called, it is the Tanakh (תנך) or Hebrew Bible.

What is the other name for the Hebrew Bible?

For Jews, the Hebrew Bible is called the Tanakh. For Christians it is the Old Testament.

What is the collection of ancient Hebrew writings called?

It is called "The Bible" or "The Tanakh" spelled תנ״ך in Hebrew.

Is the Hebrew Bible the same as the order of English Bible?

There is no such thing as "the English Bible." The There is only a Hebrew Bible, which can be translated into any language, including English. The order of the Books of the Hebrew bible has nothing to do with what language it's translated into. It has more to do with whether it's a Christian Translation or a Jewish Translation. Jewish Translations preserve the original order of the Hebrew Bible. Christian translations usually use a different order, created by the early Church around the 2nd Century of the common era.

Show me the original verson of the Old Testament in Hebrew?

The original text is not called the "Old Testament". It is called "the Hebrew bible. See related links for the complete Hebrew Bible online.