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Q: Chromosomes move rapidly toward the mitotic centers during what phase?
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What mitosis phase does the chromosomes move rapidly toward the mitotic centers?

i think its during anaphase?

Chromosomes move rapidly toward the mitotic center during what?


What forms during anaphase?

chromosomes and the mitotic spindles are formed during anaphase

What mitotic phrase does chromosomes duplicate itself to produce the chomatids?

The chromosomes duplicate itself during interphase

What is the role of the spindle during mitosis?

It provides a "scaffolding" for the attachment and movements of the chromosomes during the later mitotic stages.

During which phase of mitosis are chromosomes attaching to the spindle?

Chromosomes attach to the mitotic spindle during the metaphase of mitosis. Part of the answer depends on how you define the stages of mitosis and not everybody does this the same way. The short answer is all of them.

What happens during metaphase in meiosis?

chromosomes move to the middle of the cell. mitotic spindles from the centrioles attach to the centromere of the chromosome

During what part of the mitosis process does dna replicate?

During interphase (more specifically the S-stage), the chromosomes are duplicated.

What are the two major events during the mitotic phase of the cell cycle?

The two major events that occur during the mitotic phase of the cell cycle are the alignment of the chromosomes in the middle of the cell and the separation of replicated chromosomes or sister chromatids.

Are chromosomes visible when stained?

Chromosomes can be seen using a light microscope (LM). Mitotic cells can be easily visualised. The study of chromosomes using LM is termed Karyology, the chromosomes are prepared by a variety of techniques and analyses can be performed.

What is the role of the spindle fibers during mitosis?

They pull the sister chromatids apart.

To which part of the centromere do mitotic spindle fibers attach during prometaphase?

The centromeres of chromosomes attach to the spindle fibers during metaphase. The spindle fibers bring about the separation of sister chromosomes to the opposite poles. When spindle fibers do not attach to the centromeres, the doubling of chromosomes leads to polyploidy in the cell.