

Civil Disobedience

Updated: 1/20/2022
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Curtis Strite

Lvl 13
2y ago

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A form of protest in which people were urged to not obey the law they considered unjust. But instead of protesting with violence, they were encouraged to peacefully refuse to obey those laws.

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Curtis Strite

Lvl 13
2y ago
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When was civil disobedience published?

"Civil Disobedience" was published in 1849.

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Carl Cohen has written: 'Civil disobedience: conscience, tactics, and the law' -- subject(s): Civil disobedience, Civil rights 'Earth's Hidden Mysteries' 'Civil Disobedience'

When did civil disobedience begin?

Civil disobedience truly began in the 1919 revolution. This revolution happened in Egypt. The Egyptians practiced civil disobedience because they were against British rule.

What is common misconception about civil disobedience?

One of the most common misconceptions about civil disobedience is that it has to be violent. Mahatma Gandhi is a prominent example of someone who successfully utilized peaceful civil disobedience.

How do you use civil disobedience in a sentence?

During the protest, many activists engaged in civil disobedience by blocking the entrance to the government building.

Who was the author of the book 'civil disobedience'?

"Civil Disobedience" was an essay written by Henry David Thoreau, published in 1849

What are the release dates for ALF Civil Disobedience - 2007?

ALF Civil Disobedience - 2007 was released on: USA: 2007

What is the penalty for civil disobedience?

Penalties for civil disobedience can vary depending on the specific circumstances and location. In many cases, individuals engaging in civil disobedience may face fines, arrest, and potential imprisonment. It is important to be aware of the potential legal consequences before participating in civil disobedience actions.

What does civil disobedient mean?

Civil disobedience is considered a peaceful form of political protest. It is when people refuse to comply with certain laws.