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Cleopatra took the side of Marc Antony during the last of the Roman Republic. She hoped, that through Antony, she would reign supreme not only in Egypt, but in Rome as well.

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Q: Cleopatra took the side of who during the last part of the Roman?
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Related questions

Who reign after Cleopatra?

After Cleopatra, Rome ruled Egypt. Cleopatra was the last of the ancient line of rulers and Egypt became part of the Roman empire.

Who was the empire after Cleopatra?

After Cleopatra, Egypt became part of the Roman empire.

What did Cleopatra do to make her part of history?

Cleopatra became a major player in ancient history during the Roman civil war. This was the war between Octavian and his supporters and Mark Antony and his supporters. Cleopatra was part of Antony's war for control of the Roman empire. As Queen of Egypt, she had the military and financial resources to help Antony, who was her husband.

Who ruled Egypt after Cleopatra vii did?

After Cleopatra VII, Egypt became part of the Roman empire and was ruled by Rome.

Was Egypt part of Julius Caesars roman empire?

Cleopatra VII was the last Greek Pharaoh and the only one who learned the Egyptian language. She was supported by 2 Roman generals~ Julious Caesar and Mark Antony. When Augustus (Roman Empire) gained power over the Roman Empire, he declared war on Antony and Cleopatra and defeated them in 31 BC. Augustus arrived in Alexandria and demanded Cleopatra's surrender. She was too proud to give in and commited succide.

Was Cleopatra a part of a dynasty of rulers?

Yes, she was the last ruler of the Ptolemaic dynasty.

Why did mark Antony summon Cleopatra to tarsus?

Antony, as a triumvir, was the supreme Roman authority in the eastern part of the empire. He summoned Cleopatra to Tarsus in order to give her a chance to justify her inaction in coming to the aid of the triumvirs (as she had been ordered) during the war with Brutus and Cassius.

How did Cleopatra change the world?

Cleopatra defended Egypt from the growing Roman Empire. Romans were taking over many places at the time, but Egypt fought them and did not become a part of it.

What happened to Rome in 31 BC?

In 51 B.C., Queen Cleopatra V11 was the last Macedonian to rule over Egypt. She shared the throne with some other members of her family until Egypt was conquered by the Romans. Egypt became part of the Roman Empire in 31 B.C..

Who was the last roman emperpr?

The last emperor of the western part of the Roman Empire was Romulus Augustus who was deposed in 476. The last emperor of the eastern part of the Roman Empire was Andreas Palaiologos who died in 1502.

When did Egypt fall?

Cleopatra fell in love with the roman antonius. then when they battled in actium with octavianus they lost. and octavianus was able to make Egypt part of the roman empire.

Why was Cleopatra respected?

Cleopatra was not respected until after her death. By committing suicide she gained stature in Roman eyes. However during her lifetime she was reviled and hated. True this was in part due to Octavian's propaganda, but this was only at Rome. In Cleo's part of the world she was also hated, due in a large part to her feud with Herod and her greed for more territory. The entire business of "poor Cleopatra, a woman ruling in a man's world" is present day thinking and a lot of present day revision of history.