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Q: Come si traduce in inglese pettine di mare?
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Can mare come into season when pregnant?


What is a SB mare?

As far as I can tell there is a Mare's restaraunt in Santa Barbara CA and this is the only reference to SB mare I have ever come across.

Is it normal for a unbred mare to come in heat when around a stallion?


How soon after foaling is a mare likely to come into season?

Mares come into a foal heat within a week or 10 days after foaling. In the wild, it's not uncommon for a stallion to breed with a mare in foal heat, however a mare may be reluctant because of the foal's presence. She might not show any signs of heat either.

How would you trick a mare to go into heat?

You can manipulate a mare's estrus (heat) cycle several ways. Put the mare under lights early in the winter to fool her body into thinking it's spring a few weeks earlier. Give the mare a shot of Lutalyse. This chemical makes the mare cycle sooner than normal - usually about 3-5 days after the injection. Tease the mare. A mare that doesn't have normal cycles can sometimes be encouraged to come into estrus sooner with exposure to a stallion.

Your mare has a 5 month old filly and might be pregnant again how can you tell?

After 140 days from the breeding, urine test or veterinary ultrasound exam can determine if your mare is pregnant. Also, if your mare has not come into heat for a few months, then she is likely pregnant.

How many chromosomes do mules have?

A mule has a total of 63 chromosomes. 32 come from the horse mare, and 31 come from the donkey jack.

How many maria's are there?

There are five named maria on the Moon: Mare Tranquillitatis, Mare Serenitatis, Mare Crisium, Mare Imbrium, and Mare Nectaris.

What is the name of an adult female horse?


When does the mare become in heat?

some mares will mount other mares in season others will just also come into season. you may see extra urine output and also some squirting from the mare in season.

What is a baby girl horse called?

filly.... ya... Come check me out on howrse. ~animalslover B-) im awesome

Will a mare allow a male to mount her or stay in a heat if she's pregnant?

Yes, it is fairly rare, but a mare may be bred even though she is in foal. She may appear to come into heat and act like she is not in foal, when in reality she has settled. A mare that is in foal and is bred may lose the fetus however.