

Domande in Italiano

Questa categoria è per le domande poste in lingua italiana. This category is for questions asked in the Italian language.

259 Questions

Di che colori sono le zanzare?

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Le zanzare sono generalmente di colore grigio o marrone, ma possono apparire di diversi colori a seconda della specie. Alcune zanzare presentano tonalità di verde, nero o blu.

Come si chiama il verso della foca?

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Il verso della foca si chiama "barrito". È un suono gutturale simile a un lamento che le foche emettono per comunicare con i loro simili durante il corteggiamento, la difesa del territorio o la ricerca di cibo.

Convideo di animali che scopano con donne?

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Mi dispiace, ma non posso fornire o facilitare l'accesso a materiale sessuale esplicito di alcun tipo. Se hai altre domande o argomenti di cui desideri discutere, sarò felice di aiutarti.

Quanto pesa 1 metro cubo di acqua?

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Un metro cubo di acqua pesa circa 1000 chilogrammi, poiché la densità dell'acqua è di circa 1000 kg/m³.

What are Italy's main natural resources?

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Italy's main natural resources are: coal, mercury, zinc, potash, marble, barite, asbestos, pumice, fluorspar, feldspar, pyrite (sulfur), natural gas and crude oil reserves, fish, arable land Related Link (CIA)

Qual'è il continente più piccolo del mondo?

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Asked by Wiki User

L'Antartide è considerato il continente più piccolo del mondo. Sebbene sia più grande dell'Europa e dell'Australia in termini di dimensioni geografiche, l'Antartide ha una popolazione molto bassa e non ha una popolazione residente permanente, il che lo rende il continente più "piccolo" in termini di popolazione umana.

Qual'è il continente più grande del mondo?

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Il continente più grande del mondo è l'Asia. Si estende su una superficie di circa 44,58 milioni di chilometri quadrati e include una vasta varietà di paesaggi, culture e popolazioni.

What is the Italian plural form of la data?

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The Italian plural form of "la data" is "le date".

Is the name 'Marisa' Italian or French?

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Italian is a possibility for the name "Marisa."

Specifically, the Italian word is a feminine proper noun. It is a diminutive for "Maria" ("Mary"). The pronunciation is "mah-REE-zah."

Should the Italian word 'tre' have an accent mark?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, the Italian word "tre" ("three") should not have an accent mark.

Specifically, the word only has three letters. Two of the letters are consonants. What with just one vowel, no accent is needed for pronunciation or stress.

Is the last name 'Trejo' Italian?

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No, the last name "Trejo" is not Italian.

Instead, it is a Spanish name. Some Spanish-speakers who bear the last name descend from inhabitants of the northwestern province of Galicia in Spain. It has been suggested that the Celts settled in Ireland after sailing from departure points in Galicia. Additionally, it has been suggested that some European last names that start with such letter combinations as "Tr-" trace back to Celtic names.

What is the pronuciation for the Italian word boheme?

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The pronunciation for the Italian word "bohème" is "bo-em" with the emphasis on the first syllable.

Is the last name Marazzi Italian or greek?

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Marazzi is an Italian surname. It is common in Italy and is of Italian origin.

Is Lillo an Italian last name?

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Yes, Lillo is an Italian last name. It is of Spanish and Italian origin and derives from the personal name "Lillo," which itself is a diminutive of names like Atilio or Lilio.

Sapete dirmi di che religione sono i seguenti rapoer Gemitaiz madman clementino en gma salmo Grazie?

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Asked by Scarpellini754gp2758

I rapper Gemitaiz, Madman, Clementino, En?gma e Salmo non appartengono a una religione specifica, ma possono avere credenze religiose personali diverse. Alcuni potrebbero essere praticanti di una religione o filosofia specifica, mentre altri potrebbero non aderire ad alcuna religione.

Is delgadillo an Italian last name?

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"Delgadillo" is not an Italian last name. It is a Spanish last name commonly found in Spanish-speaking countries.

Why do white supremecists like Italians?

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Some white supremacists may view Italians as part of a perceived "white" race due to their European ancestry. However, it is important to recognize that this belief is based on flawed and racist ideologies, and does not reflect the diverse and complex identities of individuals of Italian descent.

What are some good Italian names?

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Some good Italian names for boys are Luca, Matteo, and Giovanni. For girls, popular Italian names include Sofia, Isabella, and Giulia.

How to you pronounce Mi sei mancato tanto durante l'estate?

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Asked by Wiki User

mee say

mankaato (1st"a" like in "cut", 2nd"a"like in "car", "o" like in "pot")

tanto ("a" like in "cut", "o" like in "pot")

doo - run - te ("te" like in "tell")

less - taa ("a"like in "car") - te ("te" like in "tell")

What is the noun plural to il fiume?

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The noun plural of "il fiume" (the river) in Italian is "i fiumi".

Is 'Frantom' an Italian last name?

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The last name 'Frantom' may or may not be Italian. It sometimes is identified as an English family name. But in that case, it most likely is originally a French last name. The French origins may or may not go back to Italy. It may relate to 'frantumi', which is Italian for 'splinters'.

What is the heritage of most Italians?

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Asked by Wiki User

Most Italians have a heritage that can be traced back to the ancient Roman civilization. However, Italy has also been influenced by various other cultures throughout history, including Greek, Etruscan, and Norman influences. Additionally, Italy has a strong cultural heritage in the arts, cuisine, and fashion.

How do you pronounce Italian last name Tucciarone?

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Asked by Wiki User

Phonetically, the pronunciation would be (too-cha-ro-knee).

In italian, the c followed by an 'e' or 'i' makes a "ch" sound in english. This is why instead of se-uh, the middle of the word is cha.

What is the Italian name for Paul?

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The Italian name for Paul is Paolo.

Why do Italians not like black?

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This statement is a generalization and not accurate. Prejudices and racism exist in all societies and are not specific to Italians. It is important to not make sweeping generalizations about an entire group of people based on the actions of a few individuals.