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Q: Common English word that begins with Q and contains all the vowels?
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Is there a five letter word that contains five vowels?

If there is, it is not an English word.

1 word in the English langauage that contains all the vowels AEIOU?


What is the lowest number that contains all of the common vowels?

One Thousand and Five

What is the only English word that contains the vowels u-o-i-e-a in that order?


Are there vowels written in the Torah?

It is called a Bar Mitzvah and no, the Torah contains no vowels.

What word does not contains all vowels?

sky,fly,fry, do not have vowels

Does the straight have schwa sound?

Schwa sounds are most common with English Vowels. This might be experienced by sounding like 'uh' and often contains a vowel in the middle of word. Straight is a valid example of a Schwa sound.

Is there a 7 letter word with all vowels?

There are no common English words consisting of all vowels. Although A,E, I, O, and U are always vowels, Y and W can be used as vowels (e.g. Welsh). However, there are no instances where they are used as vowels along with only other vowels.Sequoia is a word using all of the vowels but not consisting of only vowels.

Are vowels letters of the English alphabet?

yes, aeiou are all vowels of the English alphabet

What is the longest word in the english language with no vowels?

Twyndyllyngs is the longest word in English that doesn't contain one of the five vowels.

What is a word that begins with y and has no vowels?

There is none, but there are various words that END in y and have no vowels, such as my, by, cry etc.