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Q: Common source of medium-chain fatty acids?
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Related questions

What is the most common building blocks of lipids?

Fatty acids and glycerol

When needed for a source of energy fatty acids are broken down in glucose?

fat is broken down into fatty acids

Why are cis fatty acids rearranged to trans fatty acids in the process of partial hydrogenation?

CIS fatty acids are the most common form. They rearrange to form trans fatty acids during the hydrogenation of edible oils.

What is the preferred source of energy for the heart muscle?

The preferred source of energy for the heart muscle is fatty acids. Fatty acids are "good fats" that are main sources of energy for cells.

Are pilchards a good source of fat?

They are full of essential fatty acids.

What is a source of energy and supplies essential fatty acids for growth and healthy skin?

are sorce of energy they supply essentail fatty acids for growth and healthy skin

What is the common pathway for oxidation of products of glucose and fatty acids catabolism?

The common pathway for oxidation of products of glucose and fatty acids catabolism is referred to as the b-oxidation pathway.

What is the scientific and common name of fat?

fatty acids or glycerol

A main source of fat and saturated fatty acids in childrens diets is?


What are the benifets of salmon?

Salmon is a source of protein and of omega-3 fatty acids.

When needed for a source of energy fatty acids are broken down into what?

pieces of shxt

Which molecule is common to the metabolism of carbohydrates fatty acids amino acids and alcohol?

The metabolism of carbohydrates, fatty acids, amino acids, and alcohol produces the same molecule for energy: ATP (adenosine triphoshate).