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Q: Como é que se chama o sketch do Gato Fedorento em que um patrão se mostra interessado numa colaboradora ela tenta esquivar-se e acabam os dois a mudar de sexo?
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Quais são os sintomas da aids?

A manifestação inicial do HIV, presente em 50 a 70% dos casos, é semelhante a uma gripe ou mononucleose infecciosa e ocorre 2 a 4 semanas após a infecção. Pode haver febre, mal-estar, linfadenopatia (gânglios linfáticos inchados), eritemas (vermelhidão cutânea), e/ou meningite viral. Estes sintomas são geralmente ignorados, ou tratados enquanto gripe, e acabam por desaparecer, mesmo sem tratamento, após algumas semanas. Nesta fase há altas concentrações de vírus, e o portador é altamente infeccioso.A segunda fase é caracterizada por baixas quantidades dos vírus, que se encontram apenas nos reservatórios dos gânglios linfáticos, infectando gradualmente mais e mais linfócitos T CD4+; e nos macrófagos. Nesta fase, que dura em média 10 anos, o portador é soropositivo, mas não desenvolveu ainda SIDA/AIDS. Ou seja, ainda não há sintomas, mas o portador pode transmitir o vírus. Os níveis de T CD4+ diminuem lentamente e ao mesmo tempo diminui a resposta imunitária contra o vírus HIV, aumentando lentamente o seu número, devido à perda da coordenação dos T CD4+ sobre os eficazes T CD8+ e linfócitos B (linfócitos produtores de anticorpo).A terceira fase, a da SIDA, inicia-se quando o número de linfócitos T CD4+ desce abaixo do nível crítico (200/mcl), o que não é suficiente para haver resposta imunitária eficaz contra invasores. Começam a surgir cansaço, tosse, perda de peso, diarreia, inflamação dos gânglios linfáticos e suores noturnos, devidos às doenças oportunistas, como a pneumonia por Pneumocystis jiroveci, os linfomas, infecção dos olhos por citomegalovírus, demência e o sarcoma de Kaposi. Sem tratamento, ao fim de alguns meses ou anos a morte é inevitável. O uso adequado da Terapia Antirretroviral garante que o paciente sobreviva por um período mais longo, apesar de conviver com efeitos colaterais dos medicamentos.Excepções a este esquema são raras. Os muito raros "long term non-progressors" são aqueles indivíduos que permanecem com contagens de T CD4+ superiores a 600/mcl durante longos períodos. Estes indivíduos talvez tenham uma reação imunitária mais forte e menos suscetível à erosão contínua produzida pelo vírus, mas detalhes ainda são desconhecidos.

Best foods for weight loss?

As humans are progressing towards being more reliant on machinery for their work, it is becoming hard for us to stay fit and healthy, health has been the most trending issue for over a decade now. We all want to be in our best shape, feel pretty and fit, we also aim to develop strength that will enable us to feel best throughout our day. Body image issues are something that on an average every other person we meet deals with. Even though I have dealt with it, I learned that the best way of overcoming all insecurities is by loving yourself, learning more about your body, giving it time for the change and finally bringing about a change only if you wish to do so. It has been proven that diet plays a major role in keeping you fit, if you find your most suitable diet plan that is specifically designed for you, keeping your body needs into consideration, you will surely lose weight even without exercising. But before reading this article you need to keep in mind that you do not need to force yourself to look a certain way, do it only if you have passion to stay fit, calm and relaxed. Give yourself proper time to think about why you want to lose weight, is it because of others? Or Is it for yourself? If your answers are convincing for you, then peacefully sit, relax and be prepared to read the article. Mediterranean Diet For a variety of reasons, this lifestyle-based diet, which was inspired by healthy communities in Greece, Spain, France, and Italy, has regularly been voted as the greatest diet. For the fourth year in a row, this diet has the fewest regulations, according to U.S. News and World Report's annual diet rating. Instead of monitoring calories, consider how many veggies, fruits, whole grains, beans, or pulses you can fit into your day. Lean meats, heart-healthy fats like olive oil and almonds, as well as wine are all on the menu, but the majority of Mediterranean diet meal plans stick to the essentials. The diet-turned-lifestyle has been connected to considerable longevity, among other benefits (including retaining memory and cognitive abilities! ), as it has been in previous years. Flexitarian Diet Flexitarian diets aren't vegan diets, but they're a lot more manageable for individuals who haven't yet made the switch to plant-based eating. Our diet has the greatest flexibility of any on this list, as you establish your own standards and restrictions to help you cut down on meat and dairy at your own speed. Finally, there are advantages to cutting back on meat and dairy intake that go beyond your health and waistline – both medical professionals and conservationists are increasingly advocating for a more plant-based diet to help alleviate the strain on our planet's resources caused by agricultural demand. Keto Diet This one is something that has worked best for me, I lost around 20 kilograms after starting this diet, I am following it consistently now. You may lose more than 20 kilograms in 2 month if you follow this. U.S. News' expert panelists assessed this diet. The ketogenic diet focuses on fat-burning as a means of weight reduction. The idea is to reduce weight rapidly and eventually feel fuller with less cravings, all while improving your mood, mental focus, and energy levels. According to proponents of the ketogenic diet, entering a state of ketosis is as simple as cutting carbohydrates and replacing them with fats. The body converts both food and stored body fat into ketones at this point. Your fat-burning mechanism is now mostly fueled by fat rather than sugar. WW (Weight Watchers) Diet WW (previously Weight Watchers) is focused on motivating healthy living and promoting overall well-being, as well as shedding pounds. This involves adopting a comprehensive approach to assisting members in eating better and doing more exercise. Volumetric Diet Volumetric is more of an eating philosophy than a planned diet.There are four categories of food. Non Starchy fruits and vegetables, nonfat milk, and broth-based soup are all included in category one (extremely low-density). Starchy fruits and vegetables, grains, morning cereal, low-fat meat, legumes, and low-fat mixed meals such as chilli and spaghetti are all in category two (low-density). Meat, cheese, pizza, french fries, salad dressing, bread, pretzels, ice cream, and cake are all included in category three (medium-density). Crackers, chips, chocolate candies, biscuits, almonds, butter, and oil are among the items in category four (high-density). You'll focus on categories one and two, keep portion amounts in check with category three, and limit your selections in category four. I hope that this article helped you learn about best diet plans and how it works to benefit your body, however, they have different results depending on person to person and their tendencies to follow that diet.