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Isobars are lines that eqaul pressure isotherms are line that equal tempature

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Q: Compare and contrast isobars and isotherms?
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What is the similarities between isobars and isotherms?

what is the similaraties between isobars and isotherms ]

How are isobars and isotherms alike?

Isobars are lines of equal pressure, isotherms are lines of equal temperature. And isobars are pretty and gorgeous, and isotherms are thermometers.

What is the difference isotherm and isobar?

Isobars are lines of equal pressure, isotherms are lines of equal temperature. And isobars are pretty and gorgeous, and isotherms are thermometers.

What do isobars and isotherms show on a weather map?

Isobars are lines of areas with similar air pressure, with the areas in between the lines gradually leading up to the next line. Isotherms are lines of areas with similar temperature.

What are lines joining places with the same temperature on a weather map?

The lines of same (iso) heat or temperature (therm) are isotherms

What are three types of isolines?

Isobars - Measure atmospheric pressure Isotherms - Measure temperature Isoheights - Measure elevation

What isobar can measure?

Isobars are lines of equal atmospheric pressure.

Which group of terms describes lines on a map?

They could be: Latitudes and longitudes, Gridlines, Isobars, isotherms, contours, National or regional boundaries.

What is the difference between an isobar map and an isothern map?

isobars are lines of equal pressure , isotherms are line of equal temperature that's the difference this is by jenisea phoenix lol smile face

On a weather map how can you compare the speed and direction of winds?

By looking at the isobars.

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Compare and contrast it with what?

What are the steps in a compare and contrast?

1. Compare 2. Contrast