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one vote per state

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Each state received one vote.

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Q: Congress under the articles of confederation had representation based on?
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What Congress under the Articles of Confederation had representation based on what?

Under the Articles of Confederation, all representation was based on one vote per state. Each state was represented on an equal basis, regardless of size. Legislation under the Articles required a two-thirds vote majority. However, to amend the Articles an affirmative vote from all of the states was required.

Under the Articles of Confederation Congress had representation based on what?

Under the Articles of Confederation, all representation was based on one vote per state. Each state was represented on an equal basis, regardless of size. Legislation under the Articles required a two-thirds vote majority. However, to amend the Articles an affirmative vote from all of the states was required.

Which of these was not a component of the Articles of Confederation?

both houses of congress were based on population :J

Difference between Articles of Confederation and the Virginia Plan?

The biggest difference between the Articles of Confederation and the Virginia plan was the power of votes. In the articles each state had a representative with one vote, the Virginia Plan was based on representation decided by a state's population.

What was the first government of the US was based on this which was created in 1777?

Articles of Confederation

What was the proposed plan of government that stated that each state large or small would have the same number or representatives in Congress so that all states would have equal power?

In the Constitutional Convention (1787), this was called the New Jersey plan and was based on the existing representation under the Articles of Confederation.

What Southern states felt that representation should be based on the number of?

Northern states felt that representation in Congress should be based on the number of free people. Southern states believed that representation should be based on total population, which included slaves.

Who was the first leader of the US based on the Articles of Confederation?

Fred O'berry

Which house of congress is base on equal representation?

The Senate is the house of Congress that is based on equal representation. The House of Representatives is numbered based on the population of the state but the Senate has equal representation for even states with a lower population.

What branch of congress is based on proportional representation?

The House of Representatives is based on population and is proportional.

What group of states favored a Congress based on equal representation?


Did the Virginia Plan propose representation in Congress based on population?
