

Convulsions occur with epilepsy

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Sometimes, but not always. It depends on the type of seizure. There are many forms and many levels of severity. Some seizures would hardly even be noticeable, while in others there would be convulsions.

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Q: Convulsions occur with epilepsy
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Do Convulsions occur with epilepsy?

During an epileptic seizure a person can have convulsions. There are different types of seizures, not all involve convulsions.

Did Julius Caesar have a sickness?

he had epilepsy and would get convulsions, he died cuz they stabbed him

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Antiepileptic drugs are all drugs used to treat or prevent convulsions, as in epilepsy.

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Epilepsy - a brain disorder in which a person has repeated seizures (convulsions) over time.

Can you please feature the convulsions topic?

People who are suffering from epilepsy in a major way also suffer from convulsions. In convulsions , the patient becomes a bit funny. In a sense the body may start shaking very vigorously or , in some cases one part may only be affected like a hand or the neck.

What is epilespy?

Epilepsy is a brain disorder in which a person has repeated seizures (convulsions) over time. Seizures are episodes of disturbed brain activity that cause changes in attention or behavior.

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a neurological disorder marked by sudden recurrent episodes of sensory disturbance, loss of consciousness, or convulsions, associated with abnormal electrical activity in the brain.

What are the range of symptoms that can occur with poisoning?

Severity of symptoms can range from headache and nausea to convulsions and death.

Did Julius Caesar have any medical illnesses?

He suffered from epilepsy. The Romans, at the time, took this as a special condition given to Gods. Reports state his convulsions were long and happened often.

What is the brain convolution?

A Brain Convultion is a another name for Seizures of epilepsy. A brain Convulsion usually happens when a peron who caught epilepsy always swim withno guard ,oftens watching tv, aand climbing mountains. * * * * * The above answer refers to convulsions, not convolutions! Brain convolutions are the wrinkles on its surface.

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Exhaustion, convulsions, withdrawal from alcohol and tobacco, hangovers, asthma, anxiety, prementstrual syndrome, insomnia, stress headaches, muscle spasms, seizures, epilepsy and more . . .

What was an old fashioned term for epilepsy?

Convulsions would be one term used. In more ancient times, when epilepsy was not understood, people having a seizure might have been thought to have been possessed by some demon. So while it is not a direct term for epilepsy and should not be used, people talking about someone being possessed, might in reality have been just talking about someone having a seizure because they did not understand it.