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Q: Could a fall affect the lead in a pacemaker?
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What risk does the lead wire and electrodes cause to a pacemaker patient?

The lead or electrode could perforate the heart or cause scarring or other damage. The electrodes can also cause involuntary stimulation of nearby skeletal muscles.

How accent lead to be effective communication?

It can lead to not being able to understand anything they talk about. For example, if I was on the phone with a Chinese person who could speak English just not with our accent, then this could affect the communication I have with that person. It could also affect him/her to not understand what I am saying.

What are the 3 pacemaker of the heart?

The three components of a pacemaker are the pulse generator, pacing lead and the programmer. The pulse generator is like the brain of the heart. It controls everything.The pacing lead stimulates the heart to beat. The programmer enables the physician to evaluate the pacemaker's performance and change settings without surgery.

What is the most ductile metal which is not used to make electrical wires?

Lead could fall into that category.

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His idea of making the USSR democratic, didn't help him with popularity but it did eventually lead to the unintentional fall of communism in Eastern Europe.

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Cows are not....well balanced you could say, they'd just fall over

How may changes in prices affect the demand for a good?

Price and demand of a good have inverse relationship. An increase in the prices of a good will lead to fall in the demand of a good and viceversa.

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When the tide goes out, it is left in the high temperature which could lead to dessication, dehydration and maybe it could even die.

How do dislocations affect your body?

To start out the answer, it could lead to allowing the bone to become a little weaker and allowing for it to happen again.

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The Chinese were the cause of the fall of the mongols

Where is the insulated wire called a lead inserted during pacemaker implant surgery?

An insulated wire called a lead is inserted into an incision above the collarbone and guided through a large vein into the chambers of the heart.

Does bad credit lead to problems with mortgages?

Bad credit can lead to problems with mortgages because a low credit score could affect your annual interest rate for a loan and cause it to become higher. It could also affect your monthly payment because bad credit will put restrictions on the down payment amount which will consequently raise your monthly payment and inevitably lead to problems with mortgages.