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Q: Could a woman legally borrow money in 1879 in Norway?
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Can you legally sign your spouse's signature on a car title to borrow money against it without their knowledge?

Not legally...

Can a bank legally ask why you need an auto loan?

Yes. A bank can legally ask you why you need an auto loan. You want to borrow money from them. They want to get it back. They want to make sure you are a good upstanding citizen and a good credit risk. They can ask you almost any question they please. They do not have to lend you money. You do not have to borrow money from them. You can go down the street and borrow from someone else. That is the way private enterprise and life works.

How can a 17-year-old get a loan online?

You shouldn't. Starting to borrow money at that early of an age starts you down a bad path of always borrowing money for wants. That is why they won't allow you to borrow money legally at that age. Talk to your parents about the costs of borrowing money. You can get inexpensive cars for far less money then you need to borrow for. The insurance is cheaper and your long term financial health is absolutely better. Would you rather borrow $5K now or have $100K when you retire?

Can I borrow money from a lawyer?

Well, you can borrow money from anyone if they agree to loan it to you.

Can you borrow money from your pension plan?

Can you borrow against money from your pension plan?

Why do farmers borrow money from the money lenders?

farmers have to borrow money to purchase seeds,fertilizers and pesticides.

When you buy U.S. government savings bond your doing so under the power given to the congress to?

The power that is given to congress is the ability to borrow money.

The best time for people to borrow money is when?

this is from social studies.the best time for people to borrow money is when

What is the difference between lend and borrow?

I could offer to lend money to you, and if you wished you could borrow that money from me. Or, you could lend me a book, which I would then borrow from you. Lending implies the item loaned will be returned to the lender in some way; borrowing also implies the item borrowed will be returned to the lender. So the two terms have that in common.

When you borrow money do you incur debt savings budgets or assets?

When you borrow money you incur debt.

Can states borrow money?

yes. states can borrow money from citizens through government bonds

Who decides how much money the government has to borrow?

Nobody decides how much money the government has to borrow. When the government wants to borrow money it has to issue or create debt with the US Treasury.