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Yes but it depends what kind of veternarian. You can ask your local vet if you can volunteer but the least they can say is no! Give it a try

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Q: Could an 11 year old girl volunteer at a vets?
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What jobs could a 9 year old girl do?

Not much except volunteer work and house work.

Where can a 13 year old volunteer with animals in Nottingham?

You might be able to work at a vets but other wise you are to young

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Can a 10 year old girl get a part time job at the vets?

I think that if you put your mind to it you can do it.

Where can a twelve year old girl volunteer?

Nursing homes, humane societies, girl scouts, and school programs

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There are several places where a 14 year old can do volunteer work in Houston, TX for the summer. They can volunteer in any hospital, library, or local Salvation Army.

Where can a thirteen year old girl get a job that involves animal shelters in Maryland?

Try calling all the shelter and vets in your area. Ask them if they would concider letting you work for them. If they are not willing to hire you ask them if they would concider allowing you to volunteer your time with them first with the possibility of a job in the future.

Where can a thirteen year old do volunteer work involving animals in burton-on-trent?

You could volunteer at a shelter or you could pet-sit for people. Ask around! If you can't volunteer, you can always send animal food to shelters...

Can you be 11 years old to be a volunteer for animals?

I'm pretty sure you can, I'm 11 year old and I'm planning on volunteering at my local vets office this summer I'm also planning on babysitting after I get my license this year.

What is the verb in this sentence Darrell was reluctant to volunteer for the job.?

"was". Was is a linking verb linking "Darrell" to "reluctant". The phrases "to volunteer" and "for the job" are prepositional phrases. -a 13-year-old girl. =)

What is a good job that a 16 year old can get that involves Literature or Animals?

for literature you could volunteer at the library to read to kids for fun, for animals you could volunteer at the local pound/animal rescue center but you could also/possibly volunteer at your local zoo, hoped i helped!

How can a 13 year old help hospital patients?

they could join the stripes volunteer or they can do volunteen