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The same thing happend to me you may be pregnant or your breast could hurt because your cycle and you may be late do to stress

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Q: Could i be pregnant I am 15 days late for my period have breast tenderness and fatigue yet 4 hpt's say negative?
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What pregnancy symptoms start showing at 5 weeks pregnant?

The most common pregnancy symptoms at five weeks are missed period, nausea, breast tenderness, and fatigue.

Im on birth control pills but screwed up one week I am a week late on my period I have occasional slight cramps back pain breast tenderness tiredness fatigue mood swings Am you pregnant?

That's exactly how I found out I was pregnant was the breast tenderness. Save you (and possible baby) the stres and go buy a home pregnancy test!

Why you still have breast tenderness after a light period and now its been 3 weeks and still have breast tenderness?

Hi, This could be because you're pregnant. Do a test. i did 4 hpt and came back negative Hi, This could be because you're pregnant or have a hormonal imbalance or because your on birth control. Do a test.

Cramps and breast tenderness 12 days before my period and had a positive home pregnancy test and a negative blood test done?

You're not pregnant?

I am 1 month pregnant but I don't have any breast tenderness why?

Tenderness is not a requirement. Especially after the first pregnancy. The glands of the breast will develop ... but at their own rate.

Does your breast get sore when pregnant?

Many but not all women do have soreness or tenderness of the breast during pregnancy.

When pregnant does the outer part of your breast hurt?

Yes. Breast tenderness is a common feeling in pregnancy.

Will breast pain occur if a girl is pregnant?

Breast tenderness, yes. That usually also occur when you ovulate or get your period.

Does breast tenderness always mean pregnancy?

No, they can be tender when you're starting your period or when there is illness as well. Breast tenderness can be a sign of pregnancy, but it doesn't always mean that you are pregnant when it occurs either.

Am I most likely be pregnant some symptoms i have Breast Tenderness Fatigue Frequent Urination Nausea Dizziness Heartburn and or Constipation Food Cravings or Aversions to Foods but im cramping?

most likely you are those are symptoms also you can have your period or signs of your period even if your pregnant

If no breast tenderness occurs could you still be pregnant?

yes symptoms vary from person to person