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you may be expereincing implantation bleeding where the fertilized egg implants into the uterine wall and you can indeed be pregnant so I suggest going to get an at home test or seeing your doctor for a blood test ASAP just so you can know whats going on and get prenatal care if you need to since the earlier you get it the healthier and happier your pregnancy will be hope this helps, Good Luck and God Bless!!!


spotting doesn't always mean pregnancy it can mean something else a far worse problem like cancer and that. Implantation bleeding also doesn't always mean your pregnant women who have had it most of them wasn't pregnant. There could be a problem with your period it could be irregular or summet.

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Q: Could it be a sign of early pregnancy if you had spotting then had 1 day of flow then spotting and then your period stops and then you get spotting again for 1 day and periods are normally 4 or 5 days?
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Should your period come after implantation?

no not normally, although periods during pregnancy does happen.

You had a normal period last month this month you had spotting Should you take a pregnancy test?

If you are on birth control then that is normal because it is a side effect. Bleeding between periods can be pregnancy BUT its depends on the person. There are many other reasons why you can be spotting.

Will you skip a period on implanon?

You may have irregular or absent periods on the contraceptive implant. YOu may also have extra spotting or bleeding. All of these are normal. If you have sudden absence of bleeding after a long period of spotting, take a pregnancy test.

Can you bleed when your four months pregnant?

Spotting at 4 weeks pregnant or around the same time as your period would have been due is quite common but should get medically checked to rule out possible miscarriage or etopic pregnancy. Its normally old blood and nothing to worry about. Miscarriage is normally very painful. good luck

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Yes, detox my period always longer. First, I start spotting for many days, then I start bleeding normally.

Is spotting right before your period mean that your are not pregnant?

No. Spotting can occur during pregnancy.

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Are you pregnant if your having spotting during your period and then miss your next period?

Spotting is very common during the course of pregnancy and the combined symptoms of spotting then a missed period certainly could indicate pregnancy. However it is very common for women who are not pregnant to have a missed period or spotting. I suggest a pregnancy test which are readily available at almost any store and to consult your doctor.

Do you still have periods during pregnancy?

Yes People can have there period all the way through there pregnancy but it's very unusual but it happens there may be spotting that may come as it please but you should have a doctor check that out

Could i be father along in my pregnancy than what im told consdering i had irregular period when my periods normally last 5 days but lasted a week with spotting?

Yes. You should tell your Dr so that they can preform an ultrasound to provide you with more accurate dating.

If your breasts are not sensitive at all before your period is expected and normally they are could this be a sign of pregnancy?

Unlikely. It depends if your periods arrive.

You have missed a period and have had brown spotting Pregnancy tests was negative is it just menopause or pregnancy?

It may not be pregnancy. Chances may be there because normally most of the womens will have the same problem it always depends on the generic hormonal changes.