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Depends on the meaning of "seeing".

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Q: Could it be considered contributing to the delinquency of a minor if a child's parent facilitates that child seeing another child against that child's parents wishes?
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Can a minor drink alcohol at home in Texas?

Yes but ONLY if there is an adult over the age of 21 monitoring them. Preferably the parents or legal guardians. The person who purchased the alcohol and allowed the minor to have it and left them unattended would be contributing to the delinquency of a minor, which is against the law.

How does the court feel about a step child datIng an unckle?

The court has no interest in the personal lives of either the step child or the uncle unless they are in violation of the law. If the step child is a minor the uncle could be charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor and statutory rape. The child could be charged with juvenile delinquency. If the couple claims to have a platonic loving relationship, questions and eyebrows are certainly raised but I don't believe there are laws against a platonic relationship between adult and child. If the "child" is legally considered to be an adult, there may be ethical issues but not legal ones.

Can a parent sue their daughter's friend for influencing her into doing drugs and running away from home?

in a nutshell, NO ADDED: Depending upon the age of the daughter, you could report this person to law enforcement to determine if criminal charges can be brought against them for, among other things, "Contributing To The Delinquency Of A Minor."

What is the best description of delinquency what is the best description of delinquency?

Delinquency refers to behavior that goes against societal norms or rules, typically involving illegal activities or misconduct. It often occurs during adolescence and can range from minor offenses to serious criminal behavior. Delinquency may stem from various factors such as peer influence, family dynamics, or lack of positive role models.

Can the parents of a 17 year old girl bring contributing to the delinquency of a minor charges against a 19 year old man for supplying her with alcohol or drugs or both in New York State?

The parents can file a police report. Individuals don't make the determination on whether or not charges are brought. The state (through police and prosecutors) make those decisions.

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Having a diversity of languages enriches cultures, preserves unique histories and traditions, and facilitates global communication and understanding. Each language brings with it a unique perspective and worldview, contributing to the richness of human experience. Promoting linguistic diversity also helps safeguard against the loss of valuable knowledge and ways of life.

Can a parent take any legal action against a 20-year-old if a 16-year-old had permission to date and now the relationship is serious?

In Ohio there are two laws that could apply Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor and Interference with Custody. That's after you tell the 20 year old to stay away from your 16. There are no sex crimes violated due to 16 being the age of consent in Ohio.

What haben to the leader of the gulf cartel?

Osiel Cardenas is now locked in Houston tx, and is serving 30 years for organized delinquency and crimes against health

My friend is charged contributing to the delinquency of a minor at age 30 he hung out with a female age 16 in his hotel room They had no sexual contact In Virginia What was the delinquency?

No way to know for sure, but assuming there was no sexual contact, alcohol, drugs, etc (because if there were he would have been charged with a much more serious crime), it was probably a case of him encouraging or aiding the child to be absent from the custody of their parent with their parent's permission. By the way, not for one second am I believing a 30-year-old man hung out in a hotel room with a 16-year-old girl and all was innocent. Hopefully her parents have enough sense to get a restraining order against him.

What is the charging document in juvenile court called?

The charging document in juvenile court is typically referred to as a petition or a delinquency petition. It is a written legal document that outlines the specific charges brought against a juvenile in a delinquency case. The petition includes details about the alleged offense and serves as the formal notice to the juvenile and their parent or guardian.

What is the effect of New Jersey v tlo?

i think that the supreme court regulate the evidence against T.l.o purse that it was legal and not against the law to limit the supreme power against the 4th amendment supreme court made it clear that she had denial that she smoked and the search for cigarettes and rolling papers, a further search was reasonable. Because the search was reasonable, the supreme court admitted the evidence that had been used in the delinquency proceedings. it reversed the new jersey supreme court ruling and upheld T.L.O.'S sentence for delinquency.

Why can't WikiAnswers provide information on illegal acts?

That would be contributing to helping someone perform an illegal act, which is against the law.