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Yes. The Mayans and Aztecs simply disappeared of the face of the Earth and there was no connection with them until the 16th century when the Spanish invaded and wiped out the Incas. The Mayans and Aztecs were never connected with the outside world....

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Q: Could it be true that the Mayans died before they could actually predict the end of 2012?
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Of course not. The mayans just killed themselves before they could progress in their calender. It was a pretty good movie though.

How are Aztecs and Mayans alike?

Mayans and Aztecs are alike because they, Mayans and Aztecs, are both acient American civilizations and they both crossed Mexico in one point in time. (A/N: Sorry, there are not many similarities between the Mayans and Aztecs. I am actually trying to find out more myself. These two are the only ones I could find right off Google Search. Again, sorry for any incovinence!) -emmaleigh.:)

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No one could predict who would answer this question.

What is a sentence with the word predict?

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What happened to the Mayans in 900?

Nobody actually know what happened to the Maya, all we know is...snap...their gone. There are some pretty weird theories. One is that the Mayans were taken by a UFO. That has about a 1 in a million chance that that happened. But there is no evidence against it so it could have happened. Also, the Mayans believed they could turn into an animal - and maybe they just stayed that way?! Also, the Mayans could have just - disappeared! Vanish from existence! None of these are very likely, but there is no evidence against it. What is more likely, is the Mayans abandoned their cities around 900 CE (Common Era), but no one knows why. There is no evidence of war, or draught, for their items were turned on their side so it wouldn't mess up the top. We are still trying to figure out why. I hope this answered your question, I am sorry if it did not.