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Q: Could mystery snail eggs be in the water with goldfish?
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Will a water snail harm a goldfish?

Not at all

Do water snails harm any types of goldfish?

not at all but if the snail is really small the goldfish could nibble on it and eventually die.i prefer not tooif u said thankswelcome

Why does your common goldfish keep nipping at your tank snail?

Does your snail have algae on it? Goldfish will eat anything that "grows" in the tank. They will eat turtle droppings, water scumm, algae, anything! That is why they are called bottom feeders.

Can mystery snail survive in salt water?

No, they will shrivel up and die.

Can a snail eat a goldfish?

A snail could not eat a goldfish; chances are that the goldfish is stuck somewhere on the tank under decorations (if you have any) and may be dead, or it jumped from an opening on the tank which doesn't happen often, but is always possible.

Can you put tropical fish in a goldfish tank?

Goldfish, even though they are technically cold-water fish, can do fine at tropical temps. Be careful though, even the smallest species of goldfish you can commonly find needs 10 gallons all to themselves, because they get really big.

Can you put a goldfish in the same tank with a tropical fish?

No, goldfish are best with goldfish with the exception of weather (dojo) loaches, bristlenose plecos, and apple/mystery snails.Although goldfish can survive in warmer water temperatures, they are a "cold water" fish and not a tropical fish.

Could a goldfish die if you change the water from normal not carbonated water to salt water?

Please don't. goldfish are freshwater fish, not saltwater.

Why is it not recommended to put a goldfish with a betta?

Betas are very aggressive and will attempt to kill the goldfish. Also goldfish are a cold water fish that produce a lot of waste which could be harmful to the Betta.

How long could a goldfish live in a water with a not suitable temperature?

well, not long. i had a goldfish and it died in like 8 hours.

Can cloudy water harm goldfish?

Not innitially, but eventually it could be harmful.

What is a snail from the water called?

The proper name for a water snail is an aquatic snail.