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If you eat them, you could also get sick because the eat dead things and might mistake a body part and both victims will be sick.

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Q: Could slugs give you a disease?
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Can slugs give warts?

no or yes

What screw in choke used for slugs?

Modified will probably give the best accuracy with rifled slugs.

How do slugs give birth?

Slugs are hermaphrodites, meaning they have both male and female reproductive organs. When slugs mate, they exchange sperm with each other. After mating, each slug can fertilize its own eggs. Slugs lay eggs in clusters or capsules, often hidden in moist and sheltered areas like soil, under rocks, or in vegetation. The eggs hatch, and young slugs emerge from these capsules, completing their development outside the parent slug's body.

What suggestion can you give to prevent outbreaks of infectious disease?

Kill anything that could be host to the disease. Without hosts, the disease will not spread.

Do slugs give you warts?

Snails do not give you warts.

How do you get all the slugs for battle for slugterra?

You could eathier win slugs in duels or tourtements and if you want you can capture some.

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they give birth out of they're eyes and reproduce with slugs

Does eating raw eggs give you muscle?

Never eat raw eggs because it could be dangerous. Raw eggs could give you salmonella disease.

Can you give a sentence for word epidemic?

If that disease is not contained and stopped, it could become an epidemic.

Can ferrets eat slugs?

yes but it can give them a upset tummy and there mouth will be slimy

What is the collective noun of slugs?

Collective nouns for slugs are a slime of slugs, a phlegm of slugs, or a cornucopia of slugs.

How does eating raw slugs damage your health?

You could get a parasitic infection.