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The hijab is a headscarf worn by Muslim women that covers the head and neck, while leaving the face exposed. A chador is a full-body outer garment that covers the head and is wrapped around the body, leaving only the face visible. A roosari is a traditional Iranian headscarf that covers the head and neck, often worn with a long coat or tunic.

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What is the difference between an ordained and a minister?

An ordained person has received official authorization or credentials to perform religious duties, while a minister is someone who serves as a spiritual leader or clergy member within a religious organization. Not all ministers may be ordained, but all ordained individuals are typically considered ministers in the context of their religious roles.

What is the difference between an apostle and a evangelist?

An apostle is a messenger or ambassador appointed by Jesus to spread his teachings, often considered one of the original twelve followers of Jesus. An evangelist, on the other hand, is someone who actively promotes or preaches the Christian gospel to others, often focusing on conversion and recruitment of new believers.

What is a intercessor or advocate?

An intercessor is someone who acts as a mediator on behalf of another person, usually in a spiritual or religious context. An advocate is someone who speaks up for or supports another person, often in legal or social matters. Both roles involve representing or supporting someone who needs assistance or intervention.

What is the difference between a saint and a blessed?

In the Catholic Church, a saint is someone who has been officially recognized for exceptional holiness and is believed to be in heaven. A blessed is someone who has been beatified, which is a step towards sainthood, but does not have the full recognition and veneration that a saint does.

What parable did Jesus tell to explain the meaning of the word neighbor?

Jesus told the Parable of the Good Samaritan to explain the meaning of neighbor. In this parable, a man is helped by a Samaritan, who goes out of his way to assist someone in need regardless of their background or beliefs, showing that a neighbor is anyone who shows compassion and kindness to others.

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