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Q: Could succession take place in an abandoned swimming pool?
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What type of succession takes place in an abandoned field?


How could succession take place in the tundra?

This answer is listed under the question: How could succession take place in the tundra biome?

Where are three examples of places where secondary succession might occur?

Abandoned farmland. or any land where a natural disaster just took place.

A succession that takes place in an abandoned field?

what is old field succession Old Field succession is when old farm land has been left to the elements to change naturally over time. It has primarily been studied in the Eastern united states. After the field is abandoned it is colonized by plants and if left long enough will turn into a copse.

Can a single scientist observe all of the stages of secondary succesion in an abandoned field?

No, because it takes around one hundred to two hundred years for all the stages of secondary succession to take place.

Which ecological succession or secondary succession describes the event that take place on a hillside that has experienced a destructive mudslide?

secondary succession

What aré causes for succession occurs?

A volcano could make a land devoid of life, retreating glaciers, a very thorough fire, and being Paved over. When the primary succession would take place and bring back the plants, I am not sure, Those are just situations that could set up a possible site for Primary succession to take place.

What type of succession takes place when there is no existing biotic community to begin with?

primary succession. (:

Succession that takes place in a forest that has been destroyed by fire is an example of?

primary succession

What is the process by which one community gradually changes into another?

Ecological Succession--The gradual replacement of one community by anotherPrimary Succession--Ecological succession that happens where there are few, if any, living things.Secondary Succession--Ecological succession in a place where a community already exists.

Desribe how secondary succession in a forest differs from primary succession after a volcano?

A good example of primary succession takes place after a volcano has a secondary succession is a process started by an event.

What type of succession takes place after devastation from a tsunami in an established ecosystem?

Primary Succession