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Answer 1

Well, Arabic and Hebrew are closely related languages (as close as Scots and Irish, or Spanish and Portuguese), so they will have many similar words. "Koran" or "Qur'an" meaning "recitation." The word or name "korah" in The Bible would NOT be a reference to this particular collection of sayings.

Answer 2

It could relation between Korah in the Bible and Qur'an holy book of Muslims.

Answer 3

It depends on what you mean by "relation".

If the question is asking whether there is a similarity between the words "Korah" and "Qur'an", the answer is "No". There is no serious connection whatsoever, these are words that just sound similar. (The words "tale" and "table" have only one letter different, but are entirely different words.)

Korah (קֹרַח) is a biblical character who dissented with Moses' authority on Earth and was consumed by the earth. Qur'an (قرآن) is the Arabic word for "recitation" and refers to the Muslim holy book. The root for Korach is q-r-h (ק-ר-ח OR ق-ر-ح) and the root for Qur'an is q-r-'a (ק-ר-א OR ق-ر-ء). As we can see, they are fundamentally different roots.

If the question is asking if Korah from the Bible makes an appearance in the Qur'an it is more difficult to say. Many Biblical characters' names change significantly in the Qur'an such as Jethro (Shuayb), Enoch (Idriss), Jesus (Aesa), etc. The character often compared with Korah in the Qur'an is Qarun. Qarun is mentioned directly in the Qur'an in three verses (28:76, 28:79, and 29:39) and indirectly in 29:40.

It would seem that Qarun is Korah from the fact that was from the people of Moses (28:76), was arrogant (28:76), and that he was refuted with clear evidences of God (29:39). It is also mentioned that some of the people (but not mentioning Qarun by name) who sinned before God were swallowed by the Earth (29:40). However, the lack of clarity comes from some of the other verses where it might seem to be someone else entirely. It is claimed that God gave him exquisite treasures (28:76) and that he was very lucky and well-adorned (28:79). He was so well-perceived that others wished to be like him. This would be surprising for someone who was to meet an early death and not present in the Biblical account of Korah. Furthermore, the Qur'an does not make it clear that Qarun was ever killed and since God discusses numerous ways the sinful have been killed in the past, it could be sheer coincidence that 29:40 refers to his death.

Answer 4:

I once had an English Lit professor in college who, in the course of giving us a theme assignment, told us that "a relationship can be established between ANY two things... no matter what they are." Then he added: "Would anyone care to test me on that?"

In my usual inattentiveness in a classroom setting... I happened to be gazing out at the campus setting below our 3rd-story window. It had rained that morning, and it was still dusky and dim. A thought occurred to me... and I found myself raising my hand in response to his challenge.

I dared him to establish a relationship: "Between the fluorescent lights illuminating this classroom and that rain puddle out yonder on the sidewalk." I knew my classroom daydreaming would come in handy one day.

He hushed the laughter in the room and thought. "This may take a moment," he said. Then, a mere matter of seconds later, his index finger pointed in the air.

"I've got it, " he said. "Standing outside in the proper position... the lights in this room can be seen reflected through that puddle out there."

The class ooh'd and ahh'd at his mental dexterity... and I almost expected cheers and clapping, which didn't quite materialize. But I was admittedly impressed... and even felt a little silly for trying to trip him up with what turned out to be such a simple challenge.

So, to take up your challenge, and in respectful memory of the embarrassing ease with which my Lit professor dispatched my pitiful challenge that day -- I have to say: "YES, there definitely IS a relation between Korah in the Bible and Qur'an!"

Uhh... whatever it might be.

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Q: Could there be a relation between Korah in the bible and Qur'an?
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