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No, your cycle may be thrown off by harmone surges

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Q: Could you be pregnant if you have two periods in one month?
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When your pregnant is your periods late just one month or every month?

While you are pregnant you do not have periods at all.

You have missed your periods its now one month and two weeks?

If you missed your periods for a month and two weeks, contact a doctor. You could be pregnant or suffering from a medical condition.

Can you be pregnant if you had two periods in one month?


You have had regular periods for a year and then you have two in one month?

periods could happen twice in one month, but the next month, you might miss

You had two periods in a month which one did you get pregnant with?

Humans don't get pregnant when they have a period. That's only for animals. Human females mostly get pregnant mid-way between their periods.

Is a girl pregnant if they miss one period but get it the following month?

Not pregnant, but get a professional opinion about the reasons for missed periods.

Can you still get pregnant after tubes being tied had period 2 times this month?

Though very, very unlikely, you could in fact get pregnant even if your tubes are tied. The 2 periods in one month problem needs to be addressed by your physician if it continues next month.

How many missed periods tells you could be pregnant?


2 periods in one month sign of pregnancy?

I had two periods in one month and I'm pregnant. So i guess if you're asking if it happens.....yes it's possible. My first period was "normal" and the second a couple weeks later was very light. Found out about a week after that i was pregnant due to nausea.

If you take the pill for a month get a couple regular periods then miss one what are the chances you are pregnant?

If you took birth control for one month and had a few periods then you need to see your doctor and change birth control. It doesn't sound like you are on the right type of birth control pills for you - hence the extra periods. You do need to perform a pregnancy test as there is a possibility you may be pregnant.

Can a woman get pregnant after 16 year tubal ligation and have 2 periods in one month?

Yes. Guilty.

You had your period twice this month could you not have one next month?

You will probably have one next month. It sounds like you are having irregular periods. Going on the birth-control pill can often help sort this out and make your periods more regualr.