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Q: Could you be pregnant if your period came on the day it was due and only lasted two days instead of your usual five days you have also been suffering from a lot of heartburn which you never had before?
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Do you have heartburn when your pregnant with a boy?

Not always, but frequent heart burn has been associated with the carrying of a boy. If you had experienced frequent heart burn before becoming pregnant, however, I wouldn't consider this a sign.

Is heartburn part of being pregnant?

Oh yes, along with other pains and loss of body control. Just be careful with what you eat, especially before bedtime.

Why do you get heartburn before your period?

because it could be a warning that your period is coming because you have heartburn

Is very extreme heartburn an early sign of pregnancy?

It can be, yes. An old wives' tale says that you have heartburn only if your baby has a full head of hair. Oddly enough, my son was born with a full head of hair and I suffered from heartburn the entire pregnancy. But, like my Dad has said before, even an idiot is right 50% of the time, so who knows?

What is the general PH level for foods that cause heartburn?

The general PH level for foods that cause heartburn is around a pH level of about 4. It depends on the status of your stomach before getting heartburn (e.g. whether your stomach is resistant to acidic foods initially)

What are some good cooking techniques to use to avoid causing heartburn in the future?

You can avoid heartburn by lowering the amount of spicy products in your food. You can also buy some over the counter medication for heartburn, and take it right before you eat. Either of these things will help.

What is good for heart burns?

A good remedy for heartburn would contain baking soda or apple cider vinegar. The best remedy is to take a daily over-the-counter (Prevacid, Zantac, Pepcid AC) heartburn medication (Ne that prevents the heartburn before it starts.

What is good remedy for heart burn?

A good remedy for heartburn would contain baking soda or apple cider vinegar. The best remedy is to take a daily over-the-counter (Prevacid, Zantac, Pepcid AC) heartburn medication (Ne that prevents the heartburn before it starts.

Can I self treat for heartburn relief?

Yes you can you may go to your local pharmacy and look for heartburn pills. Make sure to ask your doctor before you buy any pills. Or ask the pharmacist.

We are trying to get pregnant. I had PMS Symptoms one week after last day cramps nausea bloating indigestion heartburn. Could I be pregnant or just getting an early period We are trying..?

I've had 3 children and I could always tell about 1 week before my missed period by the bloating and a little nausea. Also sore nipples around the time of the miised period. Yes you may be pregnant.

How young can a guppie be before its pregnant?

no fish should be pregnant before a year

Can you get pregnant if you haven't got your period?

You can get pregnant before the first time you bleed because you ovulate before you bleed and that is when you can get pregnant.