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No. Theraflu is only a cough and cold medication like Robitussin or NyQuil. Tamiflu is an antiviral, like an antibiotic except for a virus.

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Q: Could you use theraflu until you get Tamiflu?
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Can lupus patients take Tamiflu?

Each patient would need to get advice from their attending physicians to know if they can take Tamiflu. It is likely okay, but different medications and treatments could influence a determination of if and when to use anti-viral medicines when you have a serious underlying disease like Lupus.

Why is Tamiflu a controlled substance?

The careless use of antibiotics leads to the development of antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria. Therefore, Tamiflu should only be used as prescribed by a doctor.

Is it possible to make lean out of theraflu?

Tried it , didnt work that well . I didnt use that much theraflu , only about 5ts . It might work if you put more . I mean i felt it but its nothing like the full effect .

Can you use theraflu with hydroxyzine palpate?

No because they both are antihistamines that make you drowsy. It would be too much together.

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Abuse, high doses, or single use of DayQuil or TheraFlu or smthn?

Will Tamiflu prevent influenza B?

No, Tamiflu is not very good at preventing the flu, although it can be used that way if started soon enough after symptoms begin. The better way to prevent the flu is with a vaccination. Tamiflu is intended for use to treat the flu and if given within the first 48 hours of infection it can speed the recovery and lessen the severity of the symptoms.

Can you take Tamiflu if im allergic to penicillin?

No. Tamiflu is an anti-viral drug while aspirin is an NSAID (used for inflammation) and penicillin is an antibiotic (doesn't treat viral infections). There's no reason why Tamiflu should contain aspirin or penicillin. However, don't confuse Tamiflu with TM-FLU (completely different drug) which appears to contain penicillin and is a scam/fraudulent product. Do not use TM-FLU. For more info on the TM-FLU scam see the related question below in the related links section.

Does taking Tamiflu before symptoms start help to keep you from getting the H1N1?

Tamiflu is approved for use by the US Federal Drug Administration (FDA) as a prophylactic (preventive) measure against influenza, and depending on exactly when it is started, it may help prevent symptoms. It is most often prescribed to treat a viral infection soon after symptoms begin to lessen the severity and shorten the duration of the symptoms. The literature with Tamiflu recommends that prophylactic use of the anti-viral medication is begun within the first 40 hours of symptoms.

Can you take Cough medicine with Codeine while taking suboxone?

That should not be a problem as long as it does not contain dextromethorphan, which doesn't play nicely with downers.

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Why didn't Stephen Hawking get crutches?

Professor Hawking did use crutches for a while until his condition progressed to such a stage that he could no longer use them.