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Create a class called Invoice that a hardware store might use to represent an invoice for an item sold at the store. An Invoice should include four pieces of information as instance variables-a part number (type String), a part description (type String), a quantity of the item being purchased (type int) and a price per item (double). Your class should have a constructor that initializes the four instance variables. Provide a set and a get method for each instance variable. In addition, provide a method named getInvoiceAmount that calculates the invoice amount (i.e., multiplies the quantity by the price per item), then returns the amount as a double value. If the quantity is not positive, it should be set to 0. If the price per item is not positive, it should be set to 0.0. Write a test application named InvoiceTest that demonstrates class Invoice's capabilities. I need the code in Visual Basic.NET

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Q: Create a class called Invoice that a hardware store might use to represent an invoice for an item sold at the store An Invoice should include four pieces of information as instance variables a part n?
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What is Variable Shadowing in Java?

In Java, there are three kinds of variables: local variables, instance variables, and class variables. Variables have their scopes. Different kinds of variables have different scopes. A variable is shadowed if there is another variable with the same name that is closer in scope. In other words, referring to the variable by name will use the one closest in scope, the one in the outer scope is shadowed.A Local Variable Shadows An Instance VariableInside a class method, when a local variable have the same name as one of the instance variable, the local variable shadows the instance variable inside the method block.

What are two other names for instance fields?

member variables

It is perfectly legal to any instance variable inside of a static method?

No. You will get compilation errors. The complier will complain that you are trying to access non static variables from inside a static method. A static method can access only static variables.

Can a static method access instance variables?

Variables cannot access variables; only methods can access variables. Non-static methods (also known as instance methods) are local to an object of the class and therefore have access to a "this" reference (referring to the current instance of the class, the object upon which the method was invoked), but static variables are local to the class itself. These variables are shared by all objects of the class and are therefore accessible to non-static methods. Static variable are also accessible to static methods and are therefore accessible even when no objects of the class exist.

What is difference between instance variable and class variable in java?

The main difference between the class variable and Instance variable is, first time, when class is loaded in to memory, then only memory is allocated for all class variables. Usually static variables are called class variables. These variables are available throughout the execution of the application and the values are common to the class. You can access them directly without creating an object of the class. Instance variables are normal variables declared in a class, that would get initialized when you create an instance of the class. Every instance of the class would have a copy of the variable and you need a class instance (object) to access these variables

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What are instance variables?

These are normal variables declared within a class that are attached to an object instance of a class.

What is difference between an instance variable and a class variable?

An instance variable is typically associated with an object instance of the class whereas class variable is not associated with any object instance. Static variables are referred to as class variables while non-static regular variables are called instance variables. Simply put, you will have as many instances of the instance variable as there are object instances. i.e., if there are 10 instances of an object, you will have 10 instances of that instance variable as well. But, there will be only one instance of the static or class variable. Instance variables are accessed as follows: objname.variableName; Class variables are accessed as follows: ClassName.variableName;

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A static method in java is also named a class method, because it does not need an instance (of his class) to be invoked. Static methods can't use instance variables (non static variables) or use the keywords 'this'. These methods receive all the information they need to complete his task from his parameters

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Manual hardware identificationThe information about model and manufacturer may be out in the open, for instance engraved on the computer mouse or wireless router, or hidden from sight if the hardware is internal. The receipt or instructions manual may reveal information about hardware as well. Still, there is usually no way around diving into the Windows Control Panel to get detailed information about the PC's hardware and devices.

What is Variable Shadowing in Java?

In Java, there are three kinds of variables: local variables, instance variables, and class variables. Variables have their scopes. Different kinds of variables have different scopes. A variable is shadowed if there is another variable with the same name that is closer in scope. In other words, referring to the variable by name will use the one closest in scope, the one in the outer scope is shadowed.A Local Variable Shadows An Instance VariableInside a class method, when a local variable have the same name as one of the instance variable, the local variable shadows the instance variable inside the method block.

What are two other names for instance fields?

member variables

It is perfectly legal to any instance variable inside of a static method?

No. You will get compilation errors. The complier will complain that you are trying to access non static variables from inside a static method. A static method can access only static variables.

What is the difference between class variables and instance variables?

In the case of an instance variable, there is one copy for every instance (object). If you create 10 objects based on a class, there will be 10 copies of the variable. A class variable exists only once for the entire class - no matter how many objects you create - or even if you create no objects based on the class. In Java, such variables (class variables) are declared with the statickeyword.

Can a static method access instance variables?

Variables cannot access variables; only methods can access variables. Non-static methods (also known as instance methods) are local to an object of the class and therefore have access to a "this" reference (referring to the current instance of the class, the object upon which the method was invoked), but static variables are local to the class itself. These variables are shared by all objects of the class and are therefore accessible to non-static methods. Static variable are also accessible to static methods and are therefore accessible even when no objects of the class exist.

What is difference between instance variable and class variable in java?

The main difference between the class variable and Instance variable is, first time, when class is loaded in to memory, then only memory is allocated for all class variables. Usually static variables are called class variables. These variables are available throughout the execution of the application and the values are common to the class. You can access them directly without creating an object of the class. Instance variables are normal variables declared in a class, that would get initialized when you create an instance of the class. Every instance of the class would have a copy of the variable and you need a class instance (object) to access these variables