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Nonporous rocks.

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Q: Crude oil beneath the earth is often under pressure because it is trapped under?
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A sentence for crude?

i have to be crude because you disobeyed me

What is dead crude?

Crude oil comes from the reservoir as live crude, containing methane and other lower carbon compounds that are liberated as the pressure is reduced (in the reservoir, in the well, in the separator or storage battery) and the crude is allowed to cool. Dead crude is degassed crude meaning no more gas is likely to be liberated. The volumetric measurement of crude is normally done at "standard conditions" of atmospheric pressure and 60 degrees F, although standards vary.

What is dead crude oil?

Crude oil comes from the reservoir as live crude, containing methane and other lower carbon compounds that are liberated as the pressure is reduced (in the reservoir, in the well, in the separator or storage battery) and the crude is allowed to cool. Dead crude is degassed crude meaning no more gas is likely to be liberated. The volumetric measurement of crude is normally done at "standard conditions" of atmospheric pressure and 60 degrees F, although standards vary.

How do you find crude oil?

it is made from tiny body's of sea organisms that once lived in the sea and were trapped under rocks and became oil

Where do you get the crude oil from?

Louisianna beaches (sorry) ancient animal remains, warmed, pressurised, migrate through rocks until trapped, then drill for crude oil. Refine and split into different sizes of oil molecule for oil products.

Where from you get the crude oil?

Louisianna beaches (sorry) ancient animal remains, warmed, pressurised, migrate through rocks until trapped, then drill for crude oil. Refine and split into different sizes of oil molecule for oil products.

Why does Australia import crude oil from foreign countries?

Because Australian crude is not suitable for some of the products that come from crude oil.

What is crude oil true vapor pressure?

True Vapor Pressure is the pressure of the vapor in equilibrium with the liquid at 100 F (it is equal to the bubble point pressure at 100 F)

Why do you need crude oil?

crude oil is needed because it is useful to use in home etc..........

Why is crude oil and gas preferred to coal?

because crude oil and gas are cleaner to burn

Are plastics from crude oil biodegradable?

No because crude oil does get to the surface so there are bugs that destroy it.

Where underground does crude oil collect?

oil and gas rise up through permable rocks and become trapped under impermable rocks. they are then extracted by drilling.