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Pray to God and ask Him for guidance so that he can help you, and approach her. Tell her to find some free time to talk to you.

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Q: Crush on a girl and you think she has some feelings for you but were not in a big relationship you cannot talk to her much becuz shes always with her bch friends what do l do?
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What do you do if your two best friends are going out behind your back?

You cannot do much about that. It is their decision and you can't hinder in their feelings.

Crush on a girl and you think she has some feelings for you but were not in a big relationship you cannot talk to her much becuz shes always with her bch friends what do you do?

She may not want her friends to know that she likes you but inside she does like you maybe. Don't worry about her friends if you really like this girl don't be afraid to talk to the girl have courage girls like that in a guy, be yourself. PS. Try not to make it too obvious that you like her give her littler hints you never know she may not like you the way you like her.

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There is no reason this person cannot find other friends, dont fool yourself you will always be "wondering". So be truthful with yourself and your lover. I believe that in the future after a term of absence, there is a friendly relationship that can take place, but not friends. No Way. It's you or constant worring and wondering, so just nip it in the bud now!!!

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Nothing. If he has moved on, you must leave him alone. The feelings will no go away in a day's time, but you cannot interfere with his new relationship or his happiness. Do not flirt with him, do not make him try to have feelings for you again, & do not make him confused about who he wants. You have to respect him, his relationship, & his new girlfriend. Some things you can do are avoiding him, going out with your friends & having fun, treating yourself to something nice, & if you need to, talking to a friend or family member about it.

What do you do if you like your boyfriend a lot but you still have feelings for your ex you thought you were over him but your not and know you like two guys help?

At this time it is best to take time for yourself and sort out your feelings. You cannot go into any relationship when you don't know where your feelings ly. Be single for awhile and find yourself - you need to sort out these feelings before you are able to be in any type of relationship.

What do you do if your going out with someone but you like his best friend more and your best friend hates your boyfriend?

First of all it should not ever matter what your friends think - if you like someone that is your business and none of theirs. And secondly, if you are with someone but have feelings for someone else you should not be dating anyone until you take some time to sort out your feelings. You cannot be in a relationship if you harbour feelings for someone else and expect it to work out.

What do you do when you like someone other than your girlfriend?

That would depend on if you want to act on those feelings and especially how you feel towards your girlfriend. If you are not sure and confused of your feelings the best thing you could do is to let your girlfriend go and take time for yourself to sort your feelings out as you cannot be in a committed relationship while having feelings outside it. Don't jump right into another relationship especially when your not sure where all your feelings ly.

When do men want to tell his girlfriend his feelings?

JUST DO. A guy cannot hold back his true feelings about a relationship. So he should just go up to her, and tell her how he feels, and hopefully they will be able to compromise.

What are the factors that would help and prevent or destroy the development of friendship or family?

Trust and honesty, always, will help the development of friendship or family. When you cannot trust someone, you cannot truly talk to them freely or honestly, and without the ability to really talk to someone and trust them with your feelings, there's no friendship. On the other hand, lying and backstabbing will always help destroy these developments. No one wants to be betrayed, and it is always the worst when it comes from someone you are friends with, or even worse, related to.

What do you do when you go out with someone you like and you like someone else?

You cannot be with either person until you sort your feelings out as you cannot be in a relationship while having feelings for someone else. Yes, as i found out when i was younger, when you like someone else your feelings for them rule over your feelings for the person that you are actually going out with and they can see that so when the bomb finally drops your bf/gf will be hurt much more than if you had dumped them nicely before.

What does this mean when you dream he taking you home to see his parents?

It means that you are hoping that your relationship will become more serious. But your dream cannot tell you anything at all about HIS thoughts and feelings.

How can your best friend fall inlove with you?

You cannot force someone to fall in love with you. Building a strong, genuine friendship and being yourself is the best approach. If the feelings are mutual, they may naturally develop romantic feelings over time. Communication and honesty are key in any relationship.