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Q: Dead leaves on the forest floor become new soil through the actions of?
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Dead leaves on the forest floor become new soil through the action of what?


What is the ground covered with in the deciduous forest?

Deciduous trees start to drop their leaves in the autumn leaving the forest with a layer of leaves. The leaves decay and eventually become part of the fertile floor of the forest. The decaying process happens in many ways. Animals and insects ingest (eat) the leaves converting it to fecal material adding fertilizer to the ground. Worms chew through the leaves and fungus (mold) and bacteria also help consume the ground cover accomplishing the same thing.

There was an evergreen tree in the dark ugly forest where ghosts and witches lived when all of the sudden a great gust of wind blew through the forest which way did the leaves on the tree fall?

The leaves did not fall as evergreens do not loose here leaves.

If you are walking through a pine forest and wind is blowing in a northeasterly direction which way to the leaves blow?

Pine Trees dont have leaves they have pine needles

If you are walking through a pine forest and the wind is blowing in a northeasterly direction which way would the leaves blow?

The leaves would blow in a north-easterly direction.

What is a deciduos Forest?

a deciduous forest is a forest that looses its leaves in autumn

Why do most plants growing under trees in the forest have very dark green leaves?

Most plants growing under trees in the forest could have very dark green leaves for a variety of reasons. It could be that the sunlight does not get through enough, and if it did, it might make the leaves lighter.?æ

What type of forest with trees that do not lose their leaves?

Evergreen forest

What forest is same as temperate forest?

the forest that is the same as the temperate forest is called a deciduous forest. it is a forest of trees that change color in the fall, loose their leaves in the winter, and grow new leaves in the spring and sometimes have blossoms in the summer. deciduous means the leaves change colors fall of the tree then grow again.

What is a desiduous forest?

A forest with trees that lose their leaves each year.

When the biome shed there leaves which biome is this?

Forest, to be excact Coniferious Forest

What forest is dominated with trees with needlelike leaves?

temperate rain forest