

Define stack.discuss push and pop operation?

Updated: 10/27/2022
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14y ago

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A stack is a region of memory that you store things, and retrieve them in the reverse order of storage.

Think of it as a stack of papers. You write something down on a piece of paper, and then you put that paper in a stack, specifically on the top of the stack. This is called a push operation. If you want to go and do something else, such as service an interrupt or call another function, you create more pieces of paper and you push them onto the top of the stack as well.

Under normal conditions, you cannot access anything on the stack below the top. I say "normal" because the architecture of the processor allows you to access chunks of memory contained within the stack, relative to the base pointer BP, allowing you to pass arguments and store temporary variables in what is called a stack frame.

The reverse of push is called pop, and it is equivalent to taking a piece of paper off of the top of the stack and throwing it away - or using it, whatever you want - but that action exposes the next piece of paper, which is now the new "top of stack".

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Algorithm of push and pop in c plus plus?

pop push c++ programming

What is push operation in data structure?

Push inserts a value onto the top of the stack. Pop extracts the top value from the stack. These are the two primary operations that can be performed upon a stack. Prior to popping a value, you will first check the stack is not empty, store the top value, then pop the stack. For a stack of type T, you might use the following: if (!stack.empty()) { T value {}; // copy top value stack.pop(); // remove value from stack // use value... }

What is time complexity of stack?

All major queue operations (push, pop and front) are constant time operations.

Write a Program for Array implementation of queue and stack using exception handling.?

include <iostream> using namespace std; #define SIZE 10 template <class StackType> class stack { StackType stck[SIZE]; int topOfStack; public: void init() { topOfStack = 0; } void push(StackType ch); StackType pop(); }; template <class StackType> void stack<StackType>::push(StackType ob) { try { if(topOfStack==SIZE) throw SIZE; } catch(int) { cout << "Stack is full.\n"; return; } stck[topOfStack] = ob; topOfStack++; } template <class StackType> StackType stack<StackType>::pop() { try { if( topOfStack == 0) throw 0; } catch(int) { cout << "Stack is empty.\n"; return 0; } topOfStack--; return stck[topOfStack]; } int main() { stack<char> stack1, stack2; int i; stack1.init(); stack2.init(); stack1.push('a'); stack2.push('x'); stack1.push('b'); stack2.push('y'); stack1.push('c'); stack2.push('z'); for(i = 0; i <3; i++) cout << "Pop stack1: " << stack1.pop() << endl; for(i = 0; i <4; i++) cout << "Pop stack2: " << stack2.pop() << endl; // demonstrate double stacks stack<double> doubleValueStack1, doubleValueStack2; // create two stacks // initialize the stacks doubleValueStack1.init(); doubleValueStack2.init(); doubleValueStack1.push(1.1); doubleValueStack2.push(2.2); doubleValueStack1.push(3.3); doubleValueStack2.push(4.4); doubleValueStack1.push(5.5); doubleValueStack2.push(6.6); for(i = 0; i <3; i++) cout << "Pop doubleValueStack1: " << doubleValueStack1.pop() << endl; for(i = 0; i <4; i++) cout << "Pop doubleValueStack2: " << doubleValueStack2.pop() << endl; return 0; }

Define list of operation on stack?

There are 4 main widely used stack operations.Operations:* POP - increase stack pointer and return top element * PUSH - putting element into stack's top * TOP - returns data of top element on stack * LENGTH/SIZE - returns number of elements inside stack For more detailed implementation details, please check web links.

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pop push c++ programming

What is push operation in data structure?

Push inserts a value onto the top of the stack. Pop extracts the top value from the stack. These are the two primary operations that can be performed upon a stack. Prior to popping a value, you will first check the stack is not empty, store the top value, then pop the stack. For a stack of type T, you might use the following: if (!stack.empty()) { T value {}; // copy top value stack.pop(); // remove value from stack // use value... }

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Can you define your question.. Resize it?? Or what...

What is time complexity of stack?

All major queue operations (push, pop and front) are constant time operations.

Write a Program for Array implementation of queue and stack using exception handling.?

include <iostream> using namespace std; #define SIZE 10 template <class StackType> class stack { StackType stck[SIZE]; int topOfStack; public: void init() { topOfStack = 0; } void push(StackType ch); StackType pop(); }; template <class StackType> void stack<StackType>::push(StackType ob) { try { if(topOfStack==SIZE) throw SIZE; } catch(int) { cout << "Stack is full.\n"; return; } stck[topOfStack] = ob; topOfStack++; } template <class StackType> StackType stack<StackType>::pop() { try { if( topOfStack == 0) throw 0; } catch(int) { cout << "Stack is empty.\n"; return 0; } topOfStack--; return stck[topOfStack]; } int main() { stack<char> stack1, stack2; int i; stack1.init(); stack2.init(); stack1.push('a'); stack2.push('x'); stack1.push('b'); stack2.push('y'); stack1.push('c'); stack2.push('z'); for(i = 0; i <3; i++) cout << "Pop stack1: " << stack1.pop() << endl; for(i = 0; i <4; i++) cout << "Pop stack2: " << stack2.pop() << endl; // demonstrate double stacks stack<double> doubleValueStack1, doubleValueStack2; // create two stacks // initialize the stacks doubleValueStack1.init(); doubleValueStack2.init(); doubleValueStack1.push(1.1); doubleValueStack2.push(2.2); doubleValueStack1.push(3.3); doubleValueStack2.push(4.4); doubleValueStack1.push(5.5); doubleValueStack2.push(6.6); for(i = 0; i <3; i++) cout << "Pop doubleValueStack1: " << doubleValueStack1.pop() << endl; for(i = 0; i <4; i++) cout << "Pop doubleValueStack2: " << doubleValueStack2.pop() << endl; return 0; }

What is Push and pops?

Push and pop relate to sequence containers where elements can be inserted and removed from the sequence with push and pop operations, respectively. Typically, push and pop apply to one end of the sequence, but not necessarily at the same end. However, if a push or a pop can be applied to both ends of a sequence, the operations are named push_front, push_back, pop_front and pop_back. Ideally, push and pop are constant-time operations. However, depending on the container type, a push or pop at one end may be more efficient than at the other. The following is a summary of common container types and the efficiencies that can be expected: A vector supports push and pop at either end. However, push_back and pop_back are constant time operations unless a reallocation occurs (we can reserve memory at the end of the vector to minimise the need for reallocations) whereas push_front and pop_front are always linear-time operations. A forward list supports push and pop at the head of the list only, both of which are constant-time operations. A bi-directional list supports push and pop at either end, all of which are constant-time operations. A queue supports push at the back and pop at the front, both of which are constant-time operations. A deque (double-ended-queue) supports push and pop at either end, all of which are constant-time operations. A stack supports push and pop at the top of the stack, both of which are constant time operations. Note that a fixed-length array does not support push or pop operations because it cannot grow or shrink in size.

Define list of operation on stack?

There are 4 main widely used stack operations.Operations:* POP - increase stack pointer and return top element * PUSH - putting element into stack's top * TOP - returns data of top element on stack * LENGTH/SIZE - returns number of elements inside stack For more detailed implementation details, please check web links.

How can we do push and pop operations on both sides of stack?

This is not possible as this violates the basic definition of stack...That can have only two primitive operations "Push" "POP" If u want to implement what u want u can do that by some implementation of Push pop combination but that is what other data strutures like queue do....

Implement a class stack which simulates the operations of the stack allowing LIFO operationsAlso implement push and pop operations for the stack?

/* C program to implement stack. Stack is a LIFO data strcuture LIFO - Last in First Out Perform PUSH(insert operation), POP(Delete operation) and Display stack */#include #include #define MAXSIZE 5struct stack /* Structure definition for stack */{int stk[MAXSIZE];int top;};typedef struct stack STACK;STACK s;/* Function declaration/Prototype*/void push (void);int pop(void);void display (void);void main (){int choice;int option = 1;clrscr (); = -1;printf ("STACK OPERATION\n");while (option){printf ("--------------\n");printf (" 1 -> PUSH \n");printf (" 2 -> POP \n");printf (" 3 -> DISPLAY \n");printf (" 4 -> EXIT \n");printf ("--------------\n");printf ("Enter your choice\n");scanf ("%d", &choice);switch (choice){case 1: push();break;case 2: pop();break;case 3: display();break;case 4: return;}fflush (stdin);printf ("Do you want to continue(Type 0 or 1)?\n");scanf ("%d", &option);}}/*Function to add an element to the stack*/void push (){int num;if ( -1){printf ("Stack is empty\n");return;}else{printf ("\nThe status of the stack is\n");for (i =; i >= 0; i-){printf ("%d\n", s.stk[i]);}}printf ("\n");}byankit shukla

What is a stack and how do you represent a stack in computer memory also discuss basic operation performed on a stack?

A stack is an abstraction of First-in-last-out, or the last in first out. The basic operations (may bear different names) Push or Add Pop or Next