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Why do we eat matza and avoid leavened bread, while the rest of the year either is okay?

Why do we eat bitter herbs, while the rest of the year all vegetables are okay?

Why do we dip our food twice, while the rest of the year no dipping is needed?

Why do we lean/recline at the Seder (festive meal), while the rest of the year we may sit in any manner?

(the dipping is: parsley in salt water, and bitter herbs in charoseth. Charoseth is a kind of apple-paste with nuts, cinnamon and wine.)

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Q: Define the Passover four questions in English?
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Why do you ask four questions on passover?

To express how different this night is.

Why do you ask the four questions on passover?

To symbolically express how different this night is.

What is your favorite part of the Passover?

My favourite parts are hearing the youngest ask the four questions and the negotiation to ransom back the afikomen from the children.

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The question about the reclining used to be about the Korban Pesach, but since that isn't around, it was changed to the current version

Who answers the four questions at a Passover Seder?

The person conducting the Seder reads the traditional text, which contains the answers, whether explicitly in the narrative or by implication. In addition, any of the participants can contribute his or her answers and comments.See Related Links.More about the SederThe four questions

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What connection did Jesus have to do with the passover?

Jesus' Ministry ended with his death at passover time. Evidence for these four passovers is found at John 2:13; 5:1; 6:4; and 13:1.