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A testament refers to a covenant. The Old Testament is the old covenant of God with his people through Abraham. It was first given in Genesis. Adam and Eve had brought sin into the world and made it impossible for a true relationship with God. As a result, death was brought into the world as well as other consequences. Eve was told that she would have to labor to bear children and there would be enmity between the serpent who had tempted her (Satan) and her seed. She was promised that Satan would bruise His heel, but He would crush the serpent's head. It should be noted that blood was the only method to cover sins. This promise was further illuminated on Mount Moriah when Abraham prepared to sacrifice Isaac. God sent an angel to tell Abraham to stop. He had proved that he loved God even more than the gift God had given him in his son. Because of that, God promised that it was through Abraham and Isaac that the Messiah, who would create a way to return to a true relationship with God, would come. As Abraham had been willing to give up his son, God would sacrifice His own Son to pay for the sins of the world. Throughout the Old Testament there are many other prophecies referring to the One who would provide the way back to that relationship lost in Eden, called Messianic prophecies. The New Testament refers to the new covenant when those prophecies were fulfilled. Jesus spoke of this new covenant in the Last Supper, essentially announcing that He was the one God had spoken of to fulfill the need for a sacrifice. We are currently living in the age of this new covenant, in that if any accept Jesus as the Messiah who died for our sins and rose again, they are now able to have that relationship with God that was lost in Eden.

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