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The Constitutional Convention was held at Independence Hall, in Philadelphia.

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Convention which was also known as the Philadelphia Convention.

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The stated purpose was to fix the Articles of Confederation.

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Q: Were did the delegates of the states meet in Philadelphia for the constitutional debate?
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In witch city was the constitutional convention held?


In what year was the constitution signed by the delegates to the constitutional convention?

September 17, 1787 at the Constitutional Convention held in Philadelpia.

All of the original 13 states attended the Constitutional Convention except?

All of the original 13 states attended the Constitutional Convention except Rhode Island.

What happened at the Constitutional Convention?

Delegates wrote the United States Constitution (APEX)

What were the states' representatives to the Constitutional convention known as?

These reps were called delegates.

How did the Philadelphia convention delegates ensure ratification of the constitution?

The delegates of the Constitutional Convention added the Bill of Rights to the Constitution as a compromise between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists to ensure ratification. This limited the power of the federal government and solidified power for the states.

How many delegates attended the Philadelphia Convention in 1787?

The Constitutional (Federal) Convention which met in Philadelphia on May 25, 1787, was represented by 12 states which had selected a total of 55 delegates to attend the meeting. Most of the delegates were, by virtue of their wealth and education, very influential people in their home states. Only two, Alexander Hamilton and Roger Sherman, could be said to represent the self-made man in the United States at that time. MrV

What were the key conflicts in the constitutional convention?

the delegates from the states were arguing and could not agree

What political problems resulted from the a weak central government under the articles of Confederation?

~In the short term, the US Constitution. In the long term, because the debate over secession was not expressly resolved at the Philadelphia (Constitutional) Convention, the War between the States resulted.

What fraction of the slaves in a state were included when determining represantation in congress?

The Three-Fifths Compromise was a compromise reached between delegates from southern states and those from northern states during the 1787 United States Constitutional Convention. The debate was over if, and if so, how, slaves would be counted when determining a state's total population for constitutional purposes.

How many states were there at the Constitutional Convention of 1787?

12 states went to the Constitutional Convention (also known as the Federal Convention, the Philadelphia Convention, the First Constitutional Convention, and the Constitutional Convention of 1787). Rhode Island didn't send delegates because it opposed any revision of the Articles of Confederation and it did not believe the national government had the right to interfere in the affairs of a state.All the states expect Rhode Island were represented at the constitutional convention. Because it had been self governed for over 140 years. And the state was reluctant to give up power to a central government.

All 55 delegates that attended the Constitutional Convention signed the final document.?

There were 55 delegates that attended the Constitutional Convention in the United States. However, there were only 39 delegates that signed the final document either due to their conflicting beliefs or skepticism.