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Q: Describe how Muhammad's successors spread Islam and how revelries split Islam?
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How did muhammad's successors extend Muslim rule?

The Islamic empire expanded through conquest. Islam as a religion spread both due to the imperial growth and due to peaceful conversions of those outside of the empire.

Why was the spread after muhammad's death important?

Prophet Muhammad wanted to secure the spread of Islam after his untimely death. For those that follow the Shia theology, the Prophet declared Hazrat Ali as his successor. The majority Sunnis, however, dis not believe in this and only believed in the Sunnite of Muhammad. This means there were no successors but only Caliphs or heads of states that helped spread the faith globally.

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The spread is the minimum value (not count) to the maximum value. The range is the maximum value minus the minimum value. Spread does not consider the frequency of the values, only the minimum and maximum.