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Q: Describe the rise of civilization in the americas or the spread of civilization to peripheral regions in africa and asia?
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What is the triangle of trade?

I'm sure that it was when goods from three different regions were traded like (weapons to the Americas and from the Americas tobacco )....were passed on to three different regions.

Describe the different land regions of Chile?

describe the different land regions of Chile?

List characteristics associated with a peripheral region?

Peripheral regions often have limited access to resources, lack of infrastructure, lower levels of economic development, and lower population density. They may also experience isolation, marginalization, and dependence on core regions for goods and services.

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What is the definition of triangle trade?

Triangle trade refers to a historical trading route that connected Europe, Africa, and the Americas, involving the exchange of goods, slaves, and raw materials. Europeans would trade manufactured goods with African traders for slaves, who were then transported to the Americas to work on plantations. The Americas would then export raw materials like sugar, tobacco, and cotton back to Europe.

Where is the majority of Latin Americas population located at?

On the coastal regions.

What regions of the world do floods occur?

Floods can occur in various regions around the world, including low-lying coastal areas, river valleys, areas with poor drainage systems, and regions prone to heavy rainfall or snowmelt. Tropical regions are particularly susceptible due to seasonal monsoons or hurricanes, while arid regions may experience flash floods during rare heavy rainfall events.

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What regions of the Americas were claimed by France?

At one point, the Louisiana Territory

What are five major land regions?

Europe, Asia, the Americas, Africa, Australia

What regions of the Americas were claimed by Spain France Holland and England?

Britain NOT England.

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