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Waves a little shorter than violet are called ultraviolet; still shorter ones are X-rays. Our eyes don't see these, but we get a sunburn from ultraviolet, while X-rays pass through us without our feeling them. Waves longer than red are infrared; still longer ones are radio waves of various kinds. Our eyes don't see these either, but we can feel infrared as heat on our skin. Electromagnetic radiation of all wavelengths travels with the same speed. This is called the speed of light, denoted by the letter c. The speed is 300,000 kilometers per second or 186,000 miles per second. The skin absorbs infrared radiation by causing various molecules making up the surface of your skin vibrate more rapidly. This increase in the kinetic energy (the energy of motion) nerves sense as "heat". The details of the process are pretty complicated but that is the basic mechanism.

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radiant energy makes your skin hot because ther're suns rays? SOS! PLEASE

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It boils your blood.

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Q: Describe how infrared radiation makes your skin feel hotter?
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Decribe ow infrared radiation makes skin feel hotter?

Infrared radiation penetrates the skin and interacts with molecules, causing them to vibrate and create heat. This heat sensation is perceived by nerve endings in the skin, triggering a response that makes us feel hotter.

What type of radiation makes you feel warm?

Infrared radiation is responsible for making you feel warm. It is a form of electromagnetic radiation that produces heat when absorbed by the body. This is why objects like the sun or a heater emitting infrared radiation can create a sensation of warmth on your skin.

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Black absorbs more light and heat compared to lighter colors, which causes it to trap and retain heat, making you feel hotter when wearing a black shirt. Lighter colors reflect more sunlight, keeping you cooler in the same conditions.

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Are silvered surfaces good or poor absorbers of infrared radiation?

Silvered surfaces are poor absorbers of infrared radiation. They have low emissivity in the infrared spectrum, which means they reflect rather than absorb infrared radiation. This property makes them useful for applications where minimizing heat absorption is desired.

A heat lamp produces what radiation?

Heat travels in the form of infrared radiation. You don't use radiation todetect radiation. You use a detector that responds to the type of radiationyou're trying to detect. In the case of infrared radiation, your skin makes anexcellent detector.

What EM waves that make an object feel warmer?

Infrared radiation is the type of electromagnetic wave that makes an object feel warmer. These waves are produced by the heat emitted from objects and are detected by our skin as warmth.

Why can you feel the heat from fire when sat near it.?

You can feel the heat from fire when sitting near it because heat is transferred through radiation, conduction, and convection. The infrared radiation from the fire warms your skin and surrounding air. This sensation is what makes you feel the heat.

What planet is second from the sun?

The second planet from the Sun is Venus. Also, it is the hottest planet in our solar system. Even though Venus is the second planet from the sun. What makes Venus Hotter than Mercury is, Carbon dioxide which is a greenhouse gas and traps infrared radiation beneath.

What is another name for infrared?

Light waves are energy, and are a form of electromagnetic radiation. That makes them similar to radio waves (which have a lower frequency) and X-rays (which have a higher frequency).

Why does electromagnetic radiation in the ultraviolet region represent a larger energy transition than does radiation in the infared region?

Electromagnetic radiation in the ultraviolet region has higher frequency and shorter wavelength compared to infrared radiation. This means that ultraviolet radiation has higher energy photons, resulting in larger energy transitions when compared to infrared radiation.

What electromagnetic wave makes fires heat?

All parts of the electromagnetic spectrum cause heat, and fires emit EM radiation based on a plank curve. However, in the majority of "normal" fires, the most common source is in the infrared spectrum.