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Describe the decision-making role of citizens in countries that are dictatorships and in countries that are absolute monarchies.

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Q: Describe the decision - making role of citizens in countries that are dictatorships and in coutries that are absolute monarchies?
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What form of government do most Persian Gulf countries have?

Most have either absolute monarchies or dictatorships, in the case of Iran. Countries with monarchies include Qatar, Bahrain, and the United arab Emirates. Human rights are small in these countries.

What nations have limited government?

Most nations have limited government. Those that do not are absolute monarchies and dictatorships.

What similarities may citizens have in selecting leaders in dictatorships and absolute monarchies?

They have no similarities because they no role in selecting when it comes to dictators and monarchies. The citizens can't choose!

Do any middle eastern countries have a dictatorship?

Most Middle Eastern countries are autocracies of some variety, but they do not call themselves "dictatorships" even though they functionally are. You have Republican Dictatorships (Syria, Egypt - prior to 2011, Iraq - prior to 2003), Absolute Monarchies (Saudi Arabia, Oman), and Constitutional Monarchies with Strong Monarchs (Jordan, UAE).

Where have dictatorships been most common?

It depends on definitions. The most common form of government throughout history has been ABSOLUTE MONARCHY. Some people consider "absolute monarchy" to be a subset of dictatorships, in which case, dictatorships, which include numerous other forms of government other than absolute monarchies, would be the most common form of government throughout history. If monarchy is considered independently of dictatorship (usually because dictatorship is defined as having a non-hereditary assumption of power), then the numbers of dictatorships are far outweighed by millenia of absolute monarchies, especially in the Ancient, Classical, and Medieval World.

What countries still have absolute monarchies today?

Saudi Arabia

In which types of government do ordinary citizens have a little or no say in decisions?

Theocracies Oligarchies Dictatorships Absolute monarchies Communism International corporations The EU commission The United Nations

Why authoritarianism rule of man not rule of law?

(in the US) the question would make no sense. We DO operate under the rule of law. Only dictatorships and absolute monarchies operate under the rule of authoritarianism.

How did absolute monarchies change during the 17th and 18th and 19th centuries?

Most countries moved from absolute monarchies to constitutional monarchies --> NovaNET They began to change when the church came to power and the crusades began. At that point, western Rome was back in the loop. Also, knights were becoming unnecessary due to the invention of the English longbow.

How The Age of Absolutism got its name?

The Age of Absolutism was named because during this time many countries were ruled by monarchies. These monarchies had one ruler with absolute power over their country, land, and people. An example of an absolute monarch would be Tsars of Russia.

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Socialism is a set of economic policies and has no input on the questions of political organization. Socialism can be practiced in democracies, republics, monarchies, military juntas, absolute dictatorships, theocracies, and any other regime type.

What kinds of Governments did the Greeks have?

Greek governments were mainly absolute monarchies/dictatorships and aristocracies. Though it was through Ancient Greece that the basis of the Republic was formed, few cities outside Athens embraced the new found form of governance.