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It is a large bend , or part of a series of bends, in the lower course of a large river.

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Q: Describe the main features of a meander?
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Does meander help interlocking spurs form?

No. Meanders are features of the lower and middle course of a river, whereas interlocking spurs are features of the upper course, so the two do not cross. The river may weave slightly, but this is not a meander. It's more like the teeth of a zip, less curved then a meander. A meander is more a feature of deposition, and interlocking spurs are an erosional feature. But no. Meanders do not help interlocking spurs form.

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its an oxbow lake formed when the meander is cut off from the main river

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How do you say meander in Spanish?

serpentear -> to meander Serpenteo = I meander Serpenteando = meandering Serpenteas = You meander Serpentea = He/ She/ You (formal) meander(s) Serpenteamos = We meander Serpenteáis = You (plural) meander Serpentean= They/ you (plural, formal) meander

A meander is best describe as a?

A meander is described to as a river or stream with eroded banks such that it no longer flows in a relatively straight path, but instead is a winding path.

What is the inside bend of a river called?

its called a meander

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