

Best Answer

there is a aveolar wall, capillary wall, sqamous epithelium tissue, and blood inside the walls.

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Q: Describe the structure of respiratory membrane?
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What is the structure of respiratory membrane?

The respiratory membrane is formed by a combination of the walls of alveoli and walls of capillaries. It consists of type 1 alveolar cells, a basement membrane, capillary endothelium, alveolar epithelium and macrophages.

Why bacteria cell membrane acts as a respiratory structure?

because it contains oxidative enzymes

A respiratory membrane should be?

A respiratory membrane should be healthy.

What is the thickness of the respiratory membrane?

The average thickness of respiratory membrane is 0.2 Mm

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Describe the structure of a terminal bronchiole and its alveolar sac?

terminal brobchiole is formed as a result of division of respiratory bronchiole. It is extremely thin and end up into alveolar sac ALVEOLAR SAC THESE ARE SMALL SACS WITH 8 TO 10 SACCULES CALLES ALVEOLI. IT HAS CENTRAL AIR PASSAGE. THESE ALVEOLI SERVE AS RESPIRATORY MEMBRANE AND HELP IN EXCHANGE OF GASES

What term describe structure of a cell plasma membrane because of its oily nature and embedded protein?

fluid mosaic

What respiratory membrane consists primarily of what?

thickeness of the membrane of respitory does it have a basement

Is membrane a subcellular structure?

Yes, a membrane would be a subcellular structure.

What membrane is the extremely thin barrier between the alveoli and the capillaries?

respiratory membrane

Describe the structure of a cell membrane-?

The out side of all animal cells. because all the plant cells have a cell wall outside them and after the cell wall there is the cell membrane.its is not completely visible by the microscope. SZK

What happens at the respiratory membrane?

gas exchange